Heartland Story: “A Second Home” for The Children of Naaran
On the morning of March 28, schoolchildren from the small community of Na’ama located just north of ancient Jericho in the Jordan Valley, boarded their school bus ready to start another typical school day. They

Heartland Story: Keeping One Step Ahead of Terrorism
Perched on the hills of Samaria just west of the Jordan Valley, the small community of Migdalim has persevered in the face of enormous challenge. Relatively isolated, surrounded by Arab towns and quite distant from

Heartland Story: Protecting Samaria’s Residents after October 7th
As the sun sets of Fridays and the hustle and bustle of the week fades into the background, families in Judea and Samaria nestle into the sacred embrace of the sabbath. But one Friday evening,

Israel at War: Everything You Need to Know
How Did We Get Here? In 1993 Israel began a process of withdrawal from parts of the Land of Israel in the hopes it would bring us peace and security. Instead we have been brutally

Heartland Story: Protecting Lives with “Smart” Lenses
One early morning in Sansana, a community nestled in the western tips of southern Judea, Omer, a contractor, was ready to start another day earning an honest living for himself and his family. Omer approached

Heartland Story: Moving A Mountain Roi
How do you move a mountain? It starts with unwavering determination, divine assistance, the power of a united community, and one shovel at a time. Two years ago, Tohar Greenberg took on the role of

Heartland Story: Saving Lives in Kedumim
It was the dead of night. The community of Kedumim was shrouded in fog. Most families were fast asleep, dreaming of the week ahead. But for two women, sleep was the last thing on their

Heartland Story: Protecting Unborn Babies
It was a moving ceremony! Cutting the ribbon were Yossi Dagan, Mayor of the Samaria Regional Municipality, and Sondra Oster Baras, CFOIC Heartland director, flanked by the dedicated staff of the Samaria Urgent Care and

Heartland Story: Finding Her Purpose
Finding a sense of meaning in life can be difficult for anyone, but it can be particularity challenging for individuals with special needs. At Sadna – a unique educational community- helping each student find and realize

Heartland Story-Nurturing Plants, Nurturing Boys
The boys enter the greenhouse, some in animated groups while others tentatively wander in alone, nervously surveying the space. Idan walks in, his head held high, and his young, strong body at ease. With visible

Heartland Story-Saving Lives in Dolev
It was a quiet Saturday morning last spring, in the pastoral community of Dolev, when suddenly the Sabbath peace was interrupted. As he monitored the surveillance cameras’ live feed, Zev, Dolev’s security guard, noticed two

Protecting the Pioneers of Israel
Gideon smiled, overwhelmed by gratitude, as he watched the various screens in the control room. Three years ago, Mitzpe Dani could only deter hostile infiltrations if the ranger happened to spot them while patrolling the

A Heartland Story-
Dov had started his own business and over the years grew it into a thriving enterprise. His wife Ruth, worked as an executive at a large company. Living comfortably with their 7 children they never

Heartland Story: Seniors in Gush Etzion
All of us experienced difficulties this past year. Families were separated and confined to their respective homes. Friends were kept apart from each other. Children were kept home from school and playdates. All of us

Heartland Story: Safety in Judea & Samaria
When the Shin Bet – the Israeli military intelligence service – calls, they don’t show up on caller ID. So when Einav’s Head of Security felt his cell phone buzz, he didn’t hesitate at the

Heartland Story: Heart of Benjamin in Ofra
When COVID-19 descended, it hit the families of the Heart of Benjamin program in Ofra especially hard. If this had been a normal year, the special-needs children of Samaria’s Benjamin region would have attended after-school

Heartland Story: Trees in Samaria
Shovels in hand, saplings balanced between them, the youths of Leshem trekked eagerly over the hills outside their community to the place where they finally planted their trees. It was a bright day and the

Heartland Story: Bet Yatir
There is a compounding effect to kindness. A single act of kindness, compassion, or charity, given freely from the heart, will create a chain reaction of kind acts that spread and branch out, growing stronger

From Generation to Generation
You, the wonderful donors of CFOIC Heartland, have ensured this generational remembrance. Because of you, future generations will know exactly how the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham began:

Beauty in God’s Eyes
The community of Argaman is situated in the narrow center of the Jordan Valley region. Driving up to the community by way of Route 90 blesses you with a gorgeous view: patchwork farmland comes right up to the shoulders of the highway, and the hazy tops of desert dunes are just visible in the distance.

You need not fear the terror by night
The terrorists came on Shabbat night. Wind whispered through the quiet streets of Rechalim. The rustle of trees and the occasional hum of a passing car on the nearby highway were the only sounds in the small Samarian community.

You are saving Lives in Nofei Nehemiah!
As I drove down Route 60 one night, otherwise known as the ancient Path of the Patriarchs, my heart filled with joy. This is the Biblical Heartland, where Abraham first received the promise of the land! And it is truly growing with modern communities. Every group of twinkling lights means another part of the prophecy is being fulfilled,another neighborhood is growing in Judea and Samaria. As I travelled down the road and looked up at the mountains to my right, I rejoiced in one of the smallest of these communities: Nofei Nechemia!

Partnering together for Israels 70th Anniversary.
I cannot think of a better gift to the State of Israel on her 70th anniversary than ensuring her strong future. This is exactly what CvI Holland did this year, partnering with CFOIC Heartland to help the Bet Hagai Youth Village.

The people of Tekoa are safer because of you!
The people of Tekoa gathered the strength to keep going, working, building, believing that settling the land and raising children in the Biblical heartland, with their strong values, are the best ways they can contribute to Israel’s future.

Thank you for touching lives
Spring of 2017 Nothing is more painful than standing helplessly by as a child is marginalized by society—no matter the reason. We believe that all children deserve a chance to become the best version of

You Are Saving Lives!
Spring 2016 This past February 72-year old Devorah Levine collapsed unconscious in her kitchen in the community of Karnei Shomron. The otherwise healthy mother of four and grandmother of twelve was the active type. Neighbors

New Beginnings at the Heart of Benjamin
Fall 2015 Deep in the heart of the Benjamin Region is a place where every child is accepted. It is a place where the special-needs child comes first, and gets the care and attention he

A Safe Hangout In Har Gilo
Spring 2015 We remember the events of last June all too well. Three teenage boys were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists while traveling home from Gush Etzion. These events have caused parents in the

Southern Hospitality in Samaria
Fall 2014 It was a brutal, punishing summer for most Israeli families. Instead of family vacations, and day trips to Israel’s sandy beaches, the 2014 summer vacation was fraught with frequent trips to the bomb

The Glory of Children is Their Parents
Spring 2014 Gush Etzion Seniors For as long as she can remember, she experienced difficulty eating, trouble speaking, not to mention the blow to her self esteem, and the psychosocial ramifications of her condition. Ella

Only God Can Make a Tree
Spring 2013 Some of the most heartbreaking photographs of the Expulsion from Gaza, were of the families of Gush Katif kneeling in their gardens, crying, gently pulling saplings from the earth, carrying them lovingly in

All God’s Creatures Great and Small in Nofei Prat
Fall 2012 It started with one very special family. The Lubiners had always been involved with animals, the father, Shlomo, even working as a shepherd in Shiloh! When they moved to Nofei Prat six years ago, they

Help Those Who Help Themselves in Sussya
Fall 2011 Sussya, located on an isolated hilltop in the Hebron Hills, is a community characterized by incredible warmth and mutual aid. These people know what’s important: G-d, His land, and the future generations who

The Young Faces of Karnei Shomron
Fall 2010 Noam Weisberg’s parents moved to Israel in 1983, as pioneers of the Neve Aliza neighborhood in Karnei Shomron. Later, Ilana Teplow ’s parents moved there, when she was just a year old. Their

People of the Book – A Tale of Two Cities
May 2011 Thousands of years ago, the people of Israel stood at the foot of Mount Sinai, and received the Torah… the word of G- d. “And these words… shall be on your heart. You

Har Bracha: Building and Growing
May 2010 Oodles of children scramble happily on the painted playgrounds and roll down the grassy slopes, their sweet voices echoing in the mountain air. Nearby, sprinklers water the vineyards and Yeshiva Bible students amble

Kim or Sondra,
New Beginnings at the Heart of Benjamin. How can I donate?
Brother in Mashiach,
Paul Rimel