Stand Up For Israel
Meet Christian Zionists who are making a difference. Standing up for the land and people of Israel wherever they live and however they can to support the Jews living in Judea and Samaria.

Delly Hezel: Bound to Israel from Afar
Delly Hezel: Bound to Israel from Afar On the northern edges of the Black Forest in Germany, Delly Hezel and her friends open their doors and hearts to Israeli victims of terror: “Here in Altensteig,

Pam Culpitt: Sounding The Shofar in a Time of Need
Pam Culpitt: Sounding the Shofar in a time of need People often wait years to discover their ultimate purpose in life. So it was for Pam Culpitt of Brisbane, Australia. Pam was not raised with

Henk Poot: Leading A Spiritual Transformation
Henk Poot: Leading a Spiritual Trasnformation Some of the greatest leaders feel motivated to change the world at a very young age. Reverend Henk Poot stands out as someone whose commitment to the Bible from

Victoria James: Revealing What God Loves
Victoria James: Revealing What God Loves The journey towards God requires peeling many layers. Like an onion, as we peel each layer, the truth we uncover often brings tears to our eyes. Victoria recalls her

Pastor Nick Plummer: A Compelling Truth
Pastor Nick Plummer: A Compelling Truth Pastor Nick Plummer’s deep love for Israel started as a seed God placed in his heart; as God gently guided Plummer through his spiritual journey, this seed grew and

Pastor Roberto Miranda: A Lion For Israel
Pastor Roberto Miranda: A Lion For Israel In the Bible, God used dreams to communicate His will. Today, when Believers are moved by an inspiring dream, they seek wisdom in interpreting their dreams. In the

Ann Stacy: Fulfilling an Exalted Purpose
We often pray to see God’s hand in our lives, to follow the crumbs God leaves for us, as He guides us towards our purpose. Ann Stacy has been following the clues God left for

Jo-chin Wang: Letting Faith Lead
Often, over the course of our lives, we come to a crossroads, a turning point. For Jo-chin Wang, her first turning point came with the question: What is the meaning of my life? This question

Scott Stripling: Bringing the Bible to Life
Very few of us are blessed to understand our calling from a young age, and even fewer get to live out that calling — but Dr. Scott Stripling is one of those lucky few. For

Keith Buxton: Shoulder to Shoulder With Israel
March 11, 2011. Shabbat night. What should have been a night of quiet and peace was shattered forever when 12-year-old Tamar Fogel returned home to a scene of horrifying carnage: her house had been

Spreading Truth – Becky Keenan
There is little else more exciting than embarking on a first-ever trip to Israel aboard a flight full of Jews making Aliyah to Israel. The inability to keep exhilarated grins off of faces, the

Grace and Rick Knelsen – Israel is their Dream
Ever since they were young, Grace and Rick Knelsen felt this burning passion to visit the Land of Israel. They were both raised in Christian homes and studied the Bible from childhood. They loved hearing

Linda Smith – From Texas to Samaria
Linda Smith loves Israel. She feels deeply connected to the vast desert in the south, the white beaches of Tel Aviv, the green thick forests of the Carmel and the biblical mountains of Judea and

Tom and Maria – Faithful to Zion
Tom and Maria Leannah are great friends of Israel and great friends of CFOIC Heartland. Their journey has not been simple, but it is one paved by their love of God and His word. Both

Joy Heylen – An Aussie On a Mission for love
Australian Joy Heylen came to Israel for the first time in 1999. She admits she didn’t have a clue about Israel but then she started reading… Isaiah… Zechariah… “And suddenly I saw it all and

Brenda & Phil Lewis – Meet Our Welsh Ambassadors
Brenda and Phil Lewis are the most pleasant people you’ll ever meet. Bren, as she calls herself, is so sweet, and Phil has a great sense of humor, but that does not detract from the

Marie-Louise Weissenboch – The Biblical Heartland Strikes a Chord
Marie-Louise has always lived a kind of parallel life. She was born in 1957 to Dutch parents who had only recently immigrated to South Africa and they clung to their European identity. From a very

Victoria Hearst – A Publishing Heiress With a Heart for the Heartland
Her last name might be familiar to you; “I come from a rather famous family”, Victoria Hearst humbly admits. “I’m very blessed.” She is the granddaughter of legendary newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst. She

Pastor Rudy Fidel – In Love With Judaism
Pastor Rudy Fidel is a Canadian with an enormous heart for Israel. He visited Israel for the first time in 1986 with Dr. Ingrid Bergner, then pastor of Faith Temple in Winnipeg. Dr. Bergner visited

Mike Isley – A Texan For Israel
Leave it to Mike Isley to have incorporated a blue and white Menorah and Star of David in his holiday décor this season. At an early age, Mike was introduced to the Jewish culture, and

Jena Taylor – Woman of Faith
CFOIC Heartland’s Chairman of the Board, Margy Pezdirtz describes her as “a tiny little Texas gal, full of vim and vitality. Her energy level is astounding. She is contagious and makes you want to know

Father Gabriel Naddaf – The Courage to Encourage
Most Christian Arabs who enlist in the IDF are subjected to scorn and even violent attacks by their Muslim neighbors. The forum not only promotes enlistment and recruits Christian soldiers, but accompanies them through their

Tom Bradford Teaches “Torah”
From Merritt Island, Florida in the US, Tom Bradford, a retired business executive, and his wife Becky, a housewife and “full-time” grandmother, are teaching hundreds of Sunday School students – young and old – that
Wilfried and Tabea Bullinger
Israel—God’s People and the Sign of the Times Wilfried Bullinger remembers growing up in Stuttgart, being taught at home and in church, a love for the Jewish people. But it was his first trip to
Jo Ann Magnuson – Just Getting Started!
Jo Ann’s earliest memories involve sitting with her grandmother Ida, in an over-sized chair in her living room, being read to from the Bible. When WWII began, they’d listen to the war news together and

Margy and David Pezdirtz
No Hidden Agenda Margy and David Pezdirtz have had a heart for the Jewish people and Israel from before they can remember. And since becoming Christians and their first trip to Israel in 1984, they
Victor Schlatter – Teacher of the Tribes
Update: On July 7, 2022, Victor Schlatter went to his final rest. Thank you Victor, for being a true friend of Israel. In 1957, Victor Schlatter was a young American nuclear scientist, when G-d decided

Marion Shin – Prayer in Action
Marion Shin was only nine when the Japanese bombed Hong Kong. She and her single mother escaped as occupation refugees to Mainland China. After her mother died, she was adopted and moved to America. She

Faye Sinclair – An Unshakable Love… an Unwavering Faith
Faye Sinclair was born in Texas in 1929; to a family that always felt the Jews were G-d’s special people. After completing a master’s degree in Organic Chemistry, Faye decided she was destined to be

- Faye Sinclair – An Unshakable Love… an Unwavering Faith –
Faye Sinclair was born in Texas in 1929; to a family that always felt the Jews were G-d’s special people. After completing a master’s degree in Organic Chemistry, Faye decided she was destined to be a medical missionary. At 26 she started medical school and specialized in Pathology – pretty rare for a woman in […]
- Tom Bradford Teaches “Torah” –
Making an Impact in the Classroom From Merritt Island, Florida in the US, Tom Bradford, a retired business executive, and his wife Becky, a housewife and “full-time” grandmother, are teaching hundreds of Sunday School students – young and old – that the time has come for Christians to bless God’s nation. It all began three […]
- Wilfried and Tabea Bullinger –
Wilfried Bullinger remembers growing up in Stuttgart, being taught at home and in church, a love for the Jewish people. But it was his first trip to Israel in 1987 that started his strong connection with the land. From then on he came back every year. He prayed that one day he would be able […]
- Jo Ann Magnuson – Just Getting Started! –
Jo Ann’s earliest memories involve sitting with her grandmother Ida, in an over-sized chair in her living room, being read to from the Bible. When WWII began, they’d listen to the war news together and pray. Gram would turn to little Jo Ann and say, “G-d has a covenant with the Jews that will last […]
- Margy and David Pezdirtz – No Hidden Agenda –
Margy and David Pezdirtz have had a heart for the Jewish people and Israel from before they can remember. And since becoming Christians and their first trip to Israel in 1984, they are stalwart supporters whose actions speak louder than words – Margy and David own an apartment in Jerusalem and spend half the year […]