Seasonal projects that are based on holidays, festivals, or time of the year!

Join Gideon’s Army!
We are asking you to stand with CFOIC Heartland by joining Gideon’s Army. The people of Judea and Samaria need your prayers, activism, and support. Stand with Jews who have chosen to possess the Land!

Plant a tree in Israel
Fulfill prophecy by planting a tree in Israel! You will receive a certificate for every tree you plant. You can take part in the greening of Judea and Samaria, in the heart of Biblical Israel.

Sukkot 2024
You can wish a family in Samaria “Chag Sameach” (Happy Holiday) during Sukkot! I will bless those who Bless you. Gen. 12:3 One-third of families in the small communities of Judea and Samaria already face