Honoring the Pioneers of Israel
Jewish children are taught from a young age to honor the elderly. “Stand up before the aged and glorify the elderly; you shall fear your God I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:32). Children are sitting in the living room with their friends, playing a board game. But when Grandma walks in, they will get up and welcome her with hugs and smiles. But glorifying the elderly takes this idea one step further.
This is not about caring for the elderly – it is about giving them honor, making them feel loved and appreciated even if their strength has failed them and they have become frail.
This God-given commandment guides the people of Israel as they consider the best care for their elderly parents. And in the tight-knit communities of Judea and Samaria, the elderly are usually the pioneers who first settled the rugged landscapes, whose children and grandchildren are enjoying the fruits of their labor. Honoring the elderly is not just a value; it is a natural outgrowth of all we hold dear. Our hearts fill with joy and pride, as we see the many homes and young families who have come to live in the Biblical Heartland, and the services now provided to them – playgrounds and youth centers, schools, shops and so much more.
But we dare not forget those special individuals who were there from the beginning, when there were no facilities or services and who worked hard to bring us to where we are today. There is a growing senior citizen population in all of the older communities in Judea and Samaria and it is vital that they are honored and cared for. Communities are establishing senior citizen centers to provide regular programming, Bible study, field trips and hobbies to local members. In some communities, seniors and children work together on arts and crafts projects, to beautify the community while strengthening the bonds across the generations.
Your gift to support senior citizens in Judea and Samaria will not only provide care for our seniors – you will be honoring them as well. We must never forget that these people dedicated their lives to the land and people of Israel. They deserve to be treated with respect. They have so much to teach us. Help us provide our seniors with centers and programming that will enable them to thrive and will enable their children and grandchildren to learn from them.
Communities with Senior Citizen Projects:
- Gush Etzion
- Kiryat Arba