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What is Zionism?

Zionism was traditionally a Jewish issue. Beginning in the mid-19th century, Jews began to explore the idea of a modern return to the Land of Israel before Messiah’s arrival. Jews who advocated for this state and who sought to make their home in Israel, to “make Aliyah” were called Zionists. But can Christians connect to Zionism as well?

Community at a Glance: Alei Zahav & Leshem

I first visited Alei Zahav more than 20 years ago.  It was a small, rather sleepy, community, populated almost entirely by secular Jews.  They had a strong connection to the Land of Israel and were proud of their community.  A few years later, I visited again and encountered residents who had grown older and were … Read more

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Tomorrow night begins Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is a day of mourning, of memory, of identification with the victims of the most heinous crimes in the history of humanity, the brutal murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany.


Liebe Freunde, Alles Gute zum 73. Geburtstag Israel! Am 15. April feiern wir den israelischen Unab­hän­gigkeitstag. Jedes Land hat seinen besonderen Tag, an dem die Bürger ihre Unabhängig­keit feiern oder ihren Patriotismus gegenüber ihrem Land ausdrücken. Aber ich glaube nicht, dass es ein anderes Land gibt, für das der Unabhängigkeitstag ein heiliger Tag ist. Unserer … Read more


Beste vrienden, Gefeliciteerd Israël met je 73ste verjaardag! Op 15 april vieren we de Onafhankelijkheidsdag van Israël. Elk land heeft zijn speciale dag, waarop burgers hun onafhankelijkheid vieren of hun vaderlandsliefde jegens hun land uiten. Maar ik denk niet dat er een land is voor wie Onafhankelijkheidsdag een heilige dag is. De onze is een … Read more

Does Passover relate to Easter?

Passover is one of the most loved and celebrated holidays in the Jewish faith. Easter is a particularly holy day for Christians as they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But are these holidays connected in any way? They always fall very close to each other on the calendar – is that a coincidence?

Passover: Celebrating Freedom

On Passover, Jews celebrate the Exodus from Egypt, that defining moment in Jewish history when they went from a motley group of slaves to a nation of God. Freedom is an important theme of the holiday but what does freedom mean?


Beste vrienden, Dit is een prachtige tijd van het jaar!  We hebben net Purim gevierd, die vreugdevolle feestdag gebaseerd op de wonderbaarlijke uitkomst van het Boek Esther.  In normale jaren verkleden we ons in fantastische kostuums, variërend van Bijbelse helden tot televisiesuperhelden, we bereiden snoeppakketten en geven die aan buren en vrienden, en we genieten … Read more


Liebe Freunde, Dies ist eine wunderbare Jahreszeit! Wir haben gerade Purim gefeiert, jenes freudige Fest, das auf dem wundersamen Ausgang des Buches Esther basiert. In normalen Jahren verkleiden wir uns in fantastische Kostüme, die von biblischen Helden bis zu Fernseh-Superhelden reichen, wir bereiten Pakete mit Süßigkeiten vor und verschenken sie an Nachbarn und Freunde, und … Read more

Community at a Glance: Einav

A visit to Einav today is a visit to a beautiful area of Samaria with young people who have recently joined the community alongside the old-timers, all proud of the jewel they have created in the center of Biblical Israel.