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An Eye on Zion: Yakir

The pioneers named the nascent community “Yakir,” meaning “precious,” the precise Hebrew word used by God to describe His “son,” Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:19).

Life in a Villa in a Jungle

It is hard to believe that another year has gone by—another year of seemingly unending war, tragedy, loss. There are still 100 hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza. While at least 36 have been murdered, it is not clear how many of the remaining 64 are still alive.

Vayishlach (And He (Jacob) Sent) – Genesis 32:4 – 36:43

Jacob’s life journey represents the journey of the Nation of Israel. In this portion Jacob is given a new name: Israel, meaning “to strive with God”. The fate of the people of Israel is hinted at in this name; a nation that will have to fight for its existence.


As tensions in Judea and Samaria remain high, the brave and dedicated pioneers of the Biblical Heartland remain in danger from hostile Arab neighbors. Helping to bolster their surveillance capabilities can literally make the difference between life and death! You can save lives!