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Nahala Christians

Linda Smith – From Texas to Samaria

Linda Smith loves Israel. She feels deeply connected to the vast desert in the south, the white beaches of Tel Aviv, the green thick forests of the Carmel and the biblical mountains of Judea and Samaria. This attachment was always pure and powerful but has become stronger with every year. Linda has always loved Israel … Read more

Tom and Maria – Faithful to Zion

Tom and Maria Leannah are great friends of Israel and great friends of CFOIC Heartland. Their journey has not been simple, but it is one paved by their love of God and His word. Both Tom and Maria grew up in Wisconsin. They met in the early 1970s as young adults working in a department … Read more

Joy Heylen – An Aussie On a Mission for love

Australian Joy Heylen came to Israel for the first time in 1999. She admits she didn’t have a clue about Israel but then she started reading… Isaiah… Zechariah… “And suddenly I saw it all and started meeting with others who loved Israel.”  In 2001 Joy visited the Kotel for the first time.  She touched the … Read more

Brenda & Phil Lewis – Meet Our Welsh Ambassadors

Brenda and Phil Lewis are the most pleasant people you’ll ever meet. Bren, as she calls herself, is so sweet, and Phil has a great sense of humor, but that does not detract from the importance of their mission. Both grew up in South Wales. Brenda’s family was in the food business and had a … Read more

Marie-Louise Weissenboch – The Biblical Heartland Strikes a Chord

Marie-Louise has always lived a kind of parallel life. She was born in 1957 to Dutch parents who had only recently immigrated to South Africa and they clung to their European identity. From a very early age, Marie-Louise’s exposure to Judaism was intertwined with her involvement with music.  As a child, she encountered Jewish music … Read more

Victoria Hearst – A Publishing Heiress With a Heart for the Heartland

  Her last name might be familiar to you; “I come from a rather famous family”, Victoria Hearst humbly admits. “I’m very blessed.” She is the granddaughter of legendary newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst. She is the youngest of five daughters born to Catherine Campbell and Randolph Apperson Hearst. Victoria and her sisters were raised … Read more

Pastor Rudy Fidel – In Love With Judaism

Pastor Rudy Fidel is a Canadian with an enormous heart for Israel. He visited Israel for the first time in 1986 with Dr. Ingrid Bergner, then pastor of Faith Temple in Winnipeg. Dr. Bergner visited Israel in 1967, just two weeks before the Six Day War and returned seared with a passion for this holy … Read more

Mike Isley – A Texan For Israel

Leave it to Mike Isley to have incorporated a blue and white Menorah and Star of David in his holiday décor this season. At an early age, Mike was introduced to the Jewish culture, and quickly developed a great appreciation and respect for his Jewish brethren. Mike is a tried and true Texan. Having grown … Read more

Jena Taylor – Woman of Faith

CFOIC Heartland’s Chairman of the Board, Margy Pezdirtz describes her as “a tiny little Texas gal, full of vim and vitality. Her energy level is astounding. She is contagious and makes you want to know more of her.”  With a description like that, who wouldn’t want to meet Jena Taylor? Jena Taylor is the Executive … Read more

Father Gabriel Naddaf – The Courage to Encourage

Most Christian Arabs who enlist in the IDF are subjected to scorn and even violent attacks by their Muslim neighbors. The forum not only promotes enlistment and recruits Christian soldiers, but accompanies them through their entire army experience, strengthening them as they stand up to Muslim harassment while working with the army to ensure a … Read more