Children & Youth Projects
Children and Youth Projects enable you to support the most precious resource in Judea and Samaria – the children and youth of Israel, the future of Israeli society. The needs are varied and include day care centers, playgrounds, youth centers and youth programs, education and special education. Indeed, CFOIC Heartland has done whatever it can to ensure that every child, regardless of its need, is given the best chance to grow and thrive.

Trump’s Bold Plan for Gaza: A Game-Changer or a Shock to the World?
Could President Trump’s groundbreaking plan change the future of Gaza forever? The world is reacting with shock, debate, and controversy. But what does this really mean? Is it a stroke of genius, an impossible dream, or a sign of things to come? Join us as we break down what this could mean for Israel as

Beshalach (when he let go) – Exodus 13:17 – 17:16
This week, we dive into the powerful story of Parashat Beshalach, where the Israelites embark on a journey of faith and resilience.
Beste Vriend, We staan op een cruciaal moment in de oorlog tegen Hamas en worstelen met twee fundamentele vragen: Wat ligt er in het verschiet en hoe gaan we verder? Er is

Bo (Come) – Exodus 10:1 – 13:16
Welcome to the last portion of the book of Genesis! On the surface Portion VaYechi may seem less exciting than the ones from the previous weeks. But as one dives deeper there are whispers of prophecy and hints of mysticism to be found.
Liebe Freunde, Wir stehen an einem entscheidenden Punkt im Krieg gegen die Hamas und müssen uns mit zwei grundlegenden Fragen auseinandersetzen: Was liegt vor uns und wie kommen wir weiter? Es wurde ein Geiselabkommen vereinbart, das in Israel eine

The Price We Pay for Caring
What an emotional roller-coaster! Last Sunday and again this past Saturday, we waited with baited breath to see which hostages would be released and what they would look like. It had been more than a year since the last hostage release, and no one knew what their condition would be.
Kedumim Lehava
Educating Young Pioneers On the eighth night of Hanukkah in 1975, thousands of young, ambitious pioneers gathered at an abandoned railroad near Sebastia, the site of the ancient Israelite city that bore the name “Samaria,” with one goal in mind—to finally begin rebuilding Samaria. They knew if one community was established in Samaria, many others

Vaera (And I Appeared) – Exodus 6:2 – 9:35
Welcome to the last portion of the book of Genesis! On the surface Portion VaYechi may seem less exciting than the ones from the previous weeks. But as one dives deeper there are whispers of prophecy and hints of mysticism to be found.

A Week in Washington D.C.
The experience of participating in what could be one of the most pivotal moments for Judea and Samaria left an indelible mark on me. I want to share with you, my friends, the highlights of this extraordinary journey.
HEART OF BENJAMIN CAMPS Every child eagerly looks forward to Spring break and Summer vacation. While counting down the remaining days, they struggle to contain their excitement for the fun and incredibly entertaining activities that await them. The Heart of Benjamin program in Ofra, which helps families of severely disabled children navigate a myriad of

Cry! For the Beloved Country
The film Cry! for the Beloved Country is an excellent introduction to the settlement movement – the biblical, historical and political background to what has become one of the most important and influential movements in the Middle East. The film will connect the Biblical story with the geographical reality, and will enable you to understand

Rabbi David Feld – Brave Pioneer
Nahala is proud to introduce some of the brave pioneers who make their home in the communities of Judea, Samaria & Gaza, and trust you will find these very special people an inspiration. American-born Rabbi David Feld, a resident of Kochav Yaakov in Judea, is not what you would call your typical Rabbi… or

Chaya and Shimon Ben-Dor
Determination in a Desert Outpost It takes special people to settle the Judean Desert. And there is little in Chaya and Shimon Ben-Dor’s cosmopolitan upbringing that would foretell the ability to successfully adapt to the desert’s pace and rugged landscape. Yet despite many hardships and obstacles, the Ben-Dors established Mitzpeh Chagit in 1999 – braving

Raphaella Segal – A Real Pioneer
Do you think it’s possible to find a real pioneer today? The kind that legends are made of? In the legendary community of Kedumim, founded in 1975 as the first Jewish community in Samaria for 2,000 years, it isn’t too hard. One such pioneer is Raphaella Segal, a founding member of Kedumim and an active

Laurence Beziz – The True Voice of Gush Katif
The voice of Gush Katif can be heard from the scattered exile of hotel rooms, dormitories, tent cities and high-rise apartment buildings all over Israel. Not a voice of divisive political mudslinging or baseless hatred, but the strong and mighty “orange” voice of faith, creativity and innovation that made the desert bloom. The voice

Interview with a Settler: Sondra Baras
An interview with a “settler” Sondra Oster Baras Director, CFOIC Heartland- Israel Sondra shares her own personal story of Aliyah and commitment to the settlement movement. Sondra Oster Baras was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio in an Orthodox Jewish home. She was educated at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, a religious all-day school sponsored

David Goldman – His House of History
Born in Detroit, Michigan, David Goldman made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) with his family in 1975, when he was thirteen years old. After high school he enrolled in a Hesder Yeshiva program, combining mandatory army service with Bible studies, in Kiryat Arba, adjacent to Biblical Hebron. Little did he know how vital Kiryat Arba would

Noah Mandelbaum
Noah’s Magic Touch Twelve years ago Noah Mandelbaum was a kindergarten teacher for four and five year olds in Carmei Zur, a community in the Etzion Bloc. A chance encounter with a Jerusalem family introduced her to their Down Syndrome child who was not finding an appropriate school placement. Noah had this boy on her

Natan Greenberg – Soul Searching
Natan Greenberg, known back then as Johnny, grew up in the U.S. He visited Israel for the first time at the age of 12 and he was hooked. His second visit was a few years later and he told his parents that he was moving. Naturally, they felt he was too young. Not deterred, he
Family is an Anchor

The Bet Hagai Youth Village must renovate a group home for 10 at-risk boys and their caring house parents, ensuring their safety and wellbeing. By supporting this transformative program, you will have a direct impact on these broken boys. Your donation will help them grow into leaders who will be able to give back to society, as they strengthen their hold on the hills of Judea.