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Nahala (Inheritance) – Winter 2020

Protection in the Hills Surrounded by enemies. Isolated from nearby Jewish communities and towns. This is Revava, a community of 500 Jewish families in Samaria, and every day they face the grim, overhanging threat of violence and terrorism from their Arab neighbors. Security is a grave concern to Revava; in the past they have suffered … Read more

Cultivating the Land of Biblical Israel

That first day, everything I had ever thought about farming went right out the window. I hauled heavy irrigation tubes and I hacked at spiny weeds between the neat rows of sprouting green-tipped onions.

The Opportunity of the Century

There is no time to lose.  Israel must annex the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria now.  We have been granted the opportunity of a lifetime. 


Liebe Freunde, Zurück zur Routine! Fühlen Sie sich nicht auch so nach den Weihnachts- und Neujahrs­ferien? Mir geht es immer so, wenn unser jüdisches Neujahr und das Laubhüttenfest im Herbst endet. Auch wenn wir die Feiertage lieben, nach all den Geschenken, dem Essen, den besonderen Gebeten und der Familie und Freunden, ist es trotzdem gut, … Read more

SB Feb 2020

Dear Friend, Back to routine!  Isn’t that how you all feel after the Christmas / New Year holiday season?  I know that’s how I feel when our Jewish New Year / Feast of Tabernacles season ends in the fall.  Even as we love the holidays, after all the gifts, the food, the special prayers and … Read more

An Attitude of Gratitude – Heartfelt Thanks from Har Gilo

January 21, 2020by Meira Weber The last thing we were expecting to show up on the doorstep of the CFOIC Heartland Israel Office that day was the rain-soaked and windswept Chief of Security from Har Gilo. He blew in like the storm raging outside, bursting into the office with a huge, exhilarated grin and carrying … Read more


Beste vrienden, Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Je zult deze brief waarschijnlijk net na het nieuwe jaar ontvangen, op een moment dat je eindelijk de feestdagen achter je hebt gelaten en je weer bezig bent om je aan te passen aan de routine van een nieuw jaar. De goede voornemens van het nieuwe jaar zijn gemaakt en nu is het … Read more

Hey, Brother

falafel stand in Israel

  January 14, 2020By: Meira Weber In Israel, there is an endearing yet perplexing tradition of calling complete strangers “achi” – “my brother.” I used to think it was funny, like a sarcastic, ingratiating nickname someone would use when they were trying to get on another person’s good side. It took me a long time … Read more

Thousands of Women Gather in Jerusalem to Celebrate the Talmud

On Sunday I participated in an amazing gathering of women to celebrate the completion of the 7 1/2 year cycle of the Talmud. But first, a bit of background about the Talmud.    While Christians and Jews share a love for the Hebrew Bible, the Tanach, Christians are not usually familiar with the Talmud, a huge … Read more

SB Jan 2020

Happy New Year! You will probably receive this letter just after the New Year, at a time when you have finally put the holidays behind you and are adjusting back to the routines of a new year.