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Liebe Freunde,  Dieser Monat ist ein Meilenstein für mich und für CFOIC Heartland. Im März 1998, vor genau 22 Jahren, eröffnete ich das Israel-Büro von CFOIC Heartland und startete offiziell die damals revo­lutionäre Idee – eine Organisation, die sich der Verbindung von Christen auf der ganzen Welt mit den jüdischen Ortschaften von Judäa und Samaria … Read more

[:en]SB April 2020[:de]April 2020[:nl]April 2020[:]

[:en] Download the printable PDF Dear Friend, Coronavirus!  The word that is on everyone’s lips these days.  I don’t remember anything like this – an international pandemic that is sending the entire world into a tailspin. And rightly so – it is far more contagious and far more lethal than the ordinary flu.  In Israel, … Read more

Israel has shut down

Schools are closed. Offices, restaurants, factories, and workplaces are locked and shuttered, their workers holed up in their homes with bated breath, waiting for the newest update, the newest mandate, the newest rule we must follow to keep ourselves safe from disease.


Beste vrienden, Deze maand is een mijlpaal voor mij en voor CFOIC Heartland. In maart 1998, precies 22 jaar geleden, opende ik het Kantoor van CFOIC Heartland in Israël en lanceerde officieel wat toen een revolutionair idee was – een organisatie die zich toelegt op het verbinden van christenen over de hele wereld met de … Read more

Esther – The Purim Story

Join Sondra Baras as she shares a personal Bible Study teaching from Samaria in the heart of Biblical Israel on the book of Esther.

A Tour that will Change Your Life

The Land calls to me. The sights, sounds, and smells are imprinted on my soul. Why? I have no physical explanation.

Rejoice in the Relationship


When I was very little, my father took me outside on the eve of the first day of Adar, the Hebrew month in which we celebrate the holiday of Purim. Evening was a deep blue bowl studded with glittering stars.

Third time Ice cream!

There is a popular saying in Israel: “Third time ice cream.” When you meet someone for the third time within a short period, you get ice cream to celebrate that third meeting.  Or at least, you talk about getting ice cream. Well, on Monday, we all met again at the polls, for the third time … Read more


Beste vrienden, Terug naar routine! Is dat niet hoe je je voelt na de Kerst/Nieuwjaar vakantie? Ik weet hoe ik mij voel als ons Joodse Nieuwjaar en het feest Loofhutten in de herfst voorbij is. Ook al genieten we van de feestdagen, na alle cadeaus, het eten, de speciale gebeden en de familie en vrienden, is het nog … Read more

The Least of These

Because of Christians like you, who care about special needs children and their families who are living in Biblical Israel, Heart of Benjamin is a reality!