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ISRAEL: The 72 Year Miracle

There are many statistics that I love to remember on Israel Independence Day — that we are the only western country with a growing birth rate, that we are the only western country that has more trees today than we had 100 years ago, that we consistently rank as one of the countries with the highest happiness index, that we have one of the best air forces in the world — imagine that only 72 years after that rickety four-plane group.

Yom Haatzmaut – Israel Independence Day 2020

This year, Israel Independence Day was different. Our synagogues have been closed for weeks and our prayer gatherings are limited to just a few people standing on a street corner. There were no public gatherings, no popular singers on public stages. We stayed home and yet looked for ways to mark this special day. Israel … Read more

The Land of Israel Belongs to the Jews

Join Sondra Baras as she shares a personal Bible Study teaching from Samaria in the heart of Biblical Israel from Genesis 12 and Deuteronomy 30.  

Isaiah, Hezekiah, and Redemption

Join Sondra Baras as she shares a personal Bible Study teaching from Samaria in the heart of Biblical Israel on the book of Isaiah about redemption.

Yael’s Story – Judges 4

Join Sondra Baras as she shares a personal Bible Study teaching from Samaria in the heart of Biblical Israel about Yael in  Judges chapter 4.

Rahab’s Story – Joshua 2

Join Sondra Baras as she shares a personal Bible Study teaching from Samaria in the heart of Biblical Israel about Rahab in  Joshua chapter 2.

May 2020

I have no idea when and how this pandemic will end and our lives will return to normal.  But I want to believe that we will find ways to bring us closer.  I would love to hear from you and learn how this crisis is affecting you.  We can plan virtual meetings and phone conversations.  But most importantly, I want to continue working together, to the extent that you can, to help and support the people of Israel.  May G-d bless you and protect you and keep you in good health