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Community at a Glance: Bet Yatir

This is the series you have been waiting for – the chance to visit communities in Judea and Samaria, from the comfort of your home, and catch a glimpse of life in each and every community.

Bet Yatir, in the southern Hebron Hills, is a religious community with a vigorous agricultural industry. Numerous archeological sites, in nearby Yatir Forest and the surrounding region, testify to Jewish presence in the area, from the Israelite period – when the 12 tribes of Israel first settled the land – through the Second Temple period. The archeological findings include ancient wineries and agricultural installations, indicating an ancient agricultural society.

Bet Yatir was established in 1979 by a handful of boldly idealistic religious families, returning to their ancestral homeland to resettle and develop it. Despite the difficult conditions, Bet Yatir has grown into a warm and vibrant community, 500 families strong, rooted in faith, mutual responsibility, and respect. Their successful dairy farms and vineyard are a testament to the Jewish people’s fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

Join me in our newest Community • At • A • Glance video, where we visit Beit Yatir. May God bless us all richly, and may we meet in person soon and tour the community of Bet Yatir.

Shalom from Samaria,

Sondra Oster Baras
Director, Israel Office
CFOIC Heartland

Bet Yatir recently constructed a new Daycare Center to serve the needs of its growing community, but more funds are desperately needed to furnish the Daycare Center. You can make a real impact in this pioneering community, by blessing their youngest and most precious members. Your donation today will show them you believe in their dream, as they raise their families and deepen their roots in the Land of Israel. Click here to support Bet Yatir’s Daycare project.

In nearby Tene-Omarim, also in the southern Hebron Hills, terrorists are threatening to infiltrate the community on a regular basis. Click here to protect the men, women, and children of Tene-Omarim and the entire Hebron Hills area.