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Beste vrienden, Dit is een verschrikkelijke tijd in Israël. Overal in het land is geweld uitgebroken en we worden aangevallen door Arabieren van binnenuit, in Jeruzalem en in steden in heel Israël, en door Arabieren in Gaza, metmraketten en artillerievuur. Er zijn mensen gedood, onder wie kinderen die in hun bed lagen te slapen. En de … Read more

Community at a Glance: Bat Ayin

The rural setting of Bat Ayin, with its panoramic vistas and rugged Judean Hills just outside Gush Etzion, provides a peaceful reprieve from the hustle and bustle of city life. The serene natural surrounding is the ideal atmosphere for the spiritual center that is Bat Ayin.

A Visit With Shmuel: Bat Ayin

I traveled to the beautiful Judean Hills to visit Bat Ayin, a small, very spiritual community located among the rugged hills just outside Gush Etzion. This community was established with one goal in mind: to create a purely God-centered life in a natural environment, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Israel mourns her dead at Meron

A terrible tragedy happened late Thursday night. As tens of thousands of people were exiting a major prayer gathering at Mt. Meron to celebrate the Lag Ba’Omer festival, a bottleneck was created, a few people slipped and fell, and in a domino cascade hundreds were crushed and trapped. Forty-five people lost their lives that night, including children and teen-agers, and hundreds more were injured.


Beste vrienden, Ik ben op weg naar de VS!  Het is meer dan een jaar geleden dat ik in een vliegtuig zat.  Maar nu het Coronavirus in Israël ophoudt, kunnen we eindelijk reizen.  Het is niet zonder een beetje angst dat ik mijn tickets heb geboekt en ben begonnen met het maken van afspraken.  En … Read more

What is Zionism?

Zionism was traditionally a Jewish issue.  Beginning in the mid-19th century, Jews began to explore the idea of a modern return to the Land of Israel before Messiah’s arrival.  Theodore Herzl founded the Zionist movement which acted politically to advance the idea of a modern Jewish state in the Land of Israel.  Jews who advocated … Read more

Community at a Glance: Alei Zahav & Leshem

I first visited Alei Zahav more than 20 years ago.  It was a small, rather sleepy, community, populated almost entirely by secular Jews.  They had a strong connection to the Land of Israel and were proud of their community.  A few years later, I visited again and encountered residents who had grown older and were … Read more

Holocaust Remembrance Day

April 6, 2021by Sondra Oster Baras Tomorrow night begins Holocaust Remembrance Day.  It is a day of mourning, of memory, of identification with the victims of the most heinous crimes in the history of humanity, the brutal murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany.  Restaurants, theaters and places of entertainment close.  Memorial ceremonies are … Read more


Liebe Freunde, Alles Gute zum 73. Geburtstag Israel! Am 15. April feiern wir den israelischen Unab­hän­gigkeitstag. Jedes Land hat seinen besonderen Tag, an dem die Bürger ihre Unabhängig­keit feiern oder ihren Patriotismus gegenüber ihrem Land ausdrücken. Aber ich glaube nicht, dass es ein anderes Land gibt, für das der Unabhängigkeitstag ein heiliger Tag ist. Unserer … Read more