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Children & Youth Projects

Children and Youth Projects enable you to support the most precious resource in Judea and Samaria – the children and youth of Israel, the future of Israeli society. The needs are varied and include day care centers, playgrounds, youth centers and youth programs, education and special education. Indeed, CFOIC Heartland has done whatever it can to ensure that every child, regardless of its need, is given the best chance to grow and thrive.

Pinchas (Phinehas) – Numbers 25:10 – 30:1

Phineas boldly confronted the evil in the midst of the camp and was rewarded with a covenant of peace. The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that Phineas was prepared to sacrifice himself for his people, which was fitting as they prepared to enter the land of Israel.

Balak (Balak) – Numbers 22:2 – 25:9

The Children of Israel’s enemies choose to engage in spiritual warfare after being unable to defeat Israel with swords in Portion Balak. Yet the Prophet Balam is a huge disappointment after he is unable to fulfill his contract to curse Israel. This is a weird story!


                                              Beste Vriend, Terwijl ik deze brief aan u schrijf, viert het Volk van Israël de succesvolle redding van vier van de gijzelaars die al acht maanden in gevangenschap waren  door Hamas. Noa


                                 Liebe Freunde, Während ich diesen Brief an Sie schreibe, feiert das israelische Volk die erfolgreiche Befreiung von vier Geiseln, die acht Monate lang von der Hamas gefangen gehalten worden waren. Noa Argamani (26), Schlomi Ziv (41), Andrey Koslov (27)

Hukat (Statute) – Numbers 19:1 – 22:1

This week’s portion, Hukat, is action packed. The red heifer is introduced, Miriam and Aaron both die, and Moses strikes a rock in anger to bring forth water. Moses then faces serious consequences for striking the rock instead of speaking to it. There are so many explanations for this story that Shmuel compiled a list!

Training Firefighters in Israel: An Interview with Timothy Wainwright

Bereaved of his wife and two daughters, all three of whom were killed in a terror attack during Passover last year, Rabbi Dee’s story is one of perseverance and resilience. Rabbi Dee provides all of us with much needed advice on how to make it through the most challenging stretches of life, particularly since October 7th.

Shelach (Send Forth) – Numbers 13:1 – 15:41

This week’s Torah portion Shelach, recounts a dramatic moment in Israel’s history: the sin of the spies. This familiar story raises questions, like why did the spies, leaders among the children of Israel, give a bad report? Did the leaders fear that they would lose their closeness to G-d once they entered the Land?

A Tale of a Cemetery

On October 7th, there were four graves in the military cemetery. There are now 10 and tractors are busily at work to expand the cemetery.

Cry! For the Beloved Country

The film Cry! for the Beloved Country is an excellent introduction to the settlement movement – the biblical, historical and political background to what has become one of the most important and influential movements in the Middle East. The film will connect the Biblical story with the geographical reality, and will enable you to understand

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Rabbi David Feld – Brave Pioneer

  Nahala is proud to introduce some of the brave pioneers who make their home in the communities of Judea, Samaria & Gaza, and trust you will find these very special people an inspiration. American-born Rabbi David Feld, a resident of Kochav Yaakov in Judea, is not what you would call your typical Rabbi… or

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Chaya and Shimon Ben-Dor

Determination in a Desert Outpost It takes special people to settle the Judean Desert. And there is little in Chaya and Shimon Ben-Dor’s cosmopolitan upbringing that would foretell the ability to successfully adapt to the desert’s pace and rugged landscape. Yet despite many hardships and obstacles, the Ben-Dors established Mitzpeh Chagit in 1999 – braving

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Raphaella Segal – A Real Pioneer

Do you think it’s possible to find a real pioneer today? The kind that legends are made of? In the legendary community of Kedumim, founded in 1975 as the first Jewish community in Samaria for 2,000 years, it isn’t too hard. One such pioneer is Raphaella Segal, a founding member of Kedumim and an active

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Laurence Beziz – The True Voice of Gush Katif

  The voice of Gush Katif can be heard from the scattered exile of hotel rooms, dormitories, tent cities and high-rise apartment buildings all over Israel. Not a voice of divisive political mudslinging or baseless hatred, but the strong and mighty “orange” voice of faith, creativity and innovation that made the desert bloom. The voice

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Interview with a Settler: Sondra Baras

An interview with a “settler” Sondra Oster Baras Director, CFOIC Heartland- Israel Sondra shares her own personal story of Aliyah and commitment to the settlement movement. Sondra Oster Baras was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio in an Orthodox Jewish home. She was educated at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, a religious all-day school sponsored

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David Goldman – His House of History

Born in Detroit, Michigan, David Goldman made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) with his family in 1975, when he was thirteen years old. After high school he enrolled in a Hesder Yeshiva program, combining mandatory army service with Bible studies, in Kiryat Arba, adjacent to Biblical Hebron. Little did he know how vital Kiryat Arba would

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Noah Mandelbaum

Noah’s Magic Touch Twelve years ago Noah Mandelbaum was a kindergarten teacher for four and five year olds in Carmei Zur, a community in the Etzion Bloc. A chance encounter with a Jerusalem family introduced her to their Down Syndrome child who was not finding an appropriate school placement. Noah had this boy on her

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Natan Greenberg – Soul Searching

Natan Greenberg, known back then as Johnny, grew up in the U.S. He visited Israel for the first time at the age of 12 and he was hooked. His second visit was a few years later and he told his parents that he was moving. Naturally, they felt he was too young. Not deterred, he

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Family is an Anchor

The Bet Hagai Youth Village must renovate a group home for 10 at-risk boys and their caring house parents, ensuring their safety and wellbeing. By supporting this transformative program, you will have a direct impact on these broken boys. Your donation will help them grow into leaders who will be able to give back to society, as they strengthen their hold on the hills of Judea.