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Reflections From Israel

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Inspiring Children at Camp

Jews and Christians are sending their children to school programs with religious content. There is truly no better way to inspire a child and especially a teen-ager than through the informal education that is available at summer camps, weekend programs, vacation Bible school and similar activities.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Mevo Dotan

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Mevo Dotan in Northern Samaria and actually felt like I was witnessing a miracle. This is a community that was founded back in the 80’s with great views and good people. But then came the Second Intifada and life came crashing down.

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Meet a Pioneer (3)

Meet Aviva from Tekoa

You’ll love hearing Aviv’s story! Join Maya Berretta as she interviews a Jewish pioneer, living in a community somewhere in Judea and Samaria. Meet the men and women who are personally fulfilling Biblical prophecy every single day.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Nofim

I am excited to share my recent tour of the community of Nofim. Even though it is located right across the valley from our office in Karnei Shomron, I had never actually visited it before. In Hebrew, Nofim means views and I was curious to find out if reality matched the hype. And let me tell you, it absolutely did!

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Heartland Highlight (11)

June 2023 Heartland Highlight: Tekoa

Tekoa, a vibrant community in the Judean Desert, desperately needs additional surveillance cameras to protect families from constant terrorist threats. Help them purchase vital surveillance cameras so they can protect their perimeter and keep a sharp eye on their surroundings. Your donation today can help save a life in Biblical Israel.

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What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is a little-known holiday in many Christian denominations. Its connection to the founding of the church from the Book of Acts is well-known but in fact, Pentecost is rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Netafim

Just before Israel celebrated its 75th Independence Day, I had the pleasure of visiting the community of Kiryat Netafim in Samaria. As we drove through the neighborhoods, I encountered a heartwarming display of the residents’ pride and love for their homeland, as every balcony was adorned with Israeli flags and blue and white garlands.

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Meet a Pioneer

Meet Sagi from Karnei Shomron

Meet Sagi from Karnei Shomron! CFOIC Heartland is proud to introduce the latest episode of A Modern Pioneer in Biblical Israel. Join Maya Berretta as she interviews a Jewish pioneer, living in a community somewhere in Judea and Samaria.

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Heartland Highlight (6)

May 2023 Heartland Highlight: Karnei Shomron

Karnei Shomron is determined to help the families of children with a variety of special
needs, those dealing with intense grief, learning disabilities and other emotional
challenges. Investing in these children and their families will enable them to reach their
full potential and find joy in their lives.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Ofra

This month, I visited the community of Ofra, one of the original Jewish communities in Samaria. What began as a workers camp grew into the first modern Jewish community north of Jerusalem.

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