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Two Houses of Israel


Exploring the Lost Tribes of Israel

In recent years, a new theology has become popular in some Christian circles, often referred to as the Two Houses of Israel. Some Christians find authenticity and identity with the Lost Tribes of Israel, those tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel who were exiled by Assyria, as described in II Kings Chapter 17, and then disappeared. What exactly is this theology and how does it relate to Christian-Jewish relations?

Kimberly Troup, Christian Zionist director of CFOIC Heartland’s US office, and Tommy Waller, also a Christian Zionist, summarize the theology as they understand it, questioning some of its premises and ramifications. Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, presents a Jewish perspective on the Lost Tribes and various ways to interpret the Scriptures that refer to their ultimate reunification with Judah. This is a discussion you won’t want to miss, as these three individuals discuss a very controversial issue with sensitivity and Scriptural foundation.

If there is a topic you would like to see Sondra and Tommy discuss in a future episode, please let us know.
Send us your thoughts and questions at Kim@CFOIC.COM

2 thoughts on “Two Houses of Israel”

  1. Shalom Sondra, Kim and Tommy and those on this comment portion.

    The people of Samaria did not lose their Yisraelite identity who mixed with some of the Northern Kingdom of Yisrael, mainly Ephraim. The Samaritans said during Yeshua’s questioning one if them, that they worship on Yaakov (Jacob), their ancestor’s mountain. They believe that mount Gerizim is Zion, the place where Father placed His name because Jeròbaom built a temple there and refused to go to Jerusalem for worship and the Feast Days of Father Yah.

    They never mixed with Yehuda. However, some Yisraelites from the Northern Kingdom who ran to Yehuda for help may have assimilated. But, like Mordechai,the Benjaminite, some Yisraelite people know their tribal affliation. That’s because when Babylonian capture Yehudah, many tribes where living in or near Yehuda’s territory.

    It is an abomination before God, our Father Yah, that a non blood born Yisraelite can be come to Yisrael and be considered a Yisraelite (Jewish citizen) by converting to ‘Judaism’. Where is a religion called ‘Judiasm’ in the Scriptures?

    But a blood born Yisraelite, who believe in the God of Abraham, Yitz’chak, Ya‘akov and Yeshua can not come to live as a citizen and be accepted in their ancestors’ homeland of Yisrael. What?!!!

  2. Thoughts on the Native American people as some of the Lost Tribes of Israel..Particularly the Cherokee Tribe? I don’t know if anyone has ever researched this tribes customs in comparison to Israel customs, it’s quite astounding…

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