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A Visit With Shmuel: A Terror Update from Judea & Samaria


Sometimes, we need to break from our regular routine and reflect on the bigger picture in the region. Today is such a time.

Usually, we post a video about life in a particular community in Judea and Samaria, but we cannot do so this time. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months, our lives have been in danger on a consistent basis as we have sustained countless terror attacks all over the Biblical Heartland.

In my most recent video, I will reflect on the current situation and bring you the news that we wish we did not have to give. This news directly relates to our security and needs your attention.

I hope you understand what we are now facing in Judea and Samaria. And I hope you will consider supporting a security project to protect the people who have settled in communities throughout Judea and Samaria. Click here to learn more about the people of Gush Etzion, and support their most urgent need today.

Shmuel Junger
Development Director
CFOIC Heartland

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