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October 2023 Heartland Highlight: Nofei Nechemia Playground Shade Structure

Nofei Nechemia needs to install a shade structure at their local playground, a vital addition to every playground in Israel. Much more than a place where little children play, in the small communities of Judea and Samaria, a playground serves as a central gathering spot for building and strengthening community ties. Your gift today will have an immense impact on the pioneering families of Nofei Nechemia, bringing joy and a
much-needed resource to these young pioneering families as they continue rebuilding the Heartland of Biblical Israel!

Rachel grew up in a small pioneering community in Judea. In her childhood home, prayer, observance of Biblical values, and Zionism took center stage. Her childhood was magical and innocent, with summers spent playing outdoors, barefoot, using the entire community as one big playground. But her childhood was not all rosy. Surrounded by hostile Arab villages, her community was subject to numerous terror attacks over the years. Still, as an adult, she understood the Jewish people’s moral duty toward the Land. Rachel and the young people of Nofei Nechemia are second-generation pioneers committed to developing their own new communities in Biblical Israel. They are raising their families in a small, isolated community in Samaria – embracing their divine mission wholeheartedly.

In the early days, most residents in Nofei Nechemia lived in tiny, temporary trailer homes with primitive infrastructure. Today, Nofei Nechemia is a vibrant and growing religious community, with permanent homes filled with many young families and lots of children. Over the last two years, they added 25 new homes in Nofei Nechemia, a combination of permanent and temporary structures. As soon as they completed construction, all the homes were quickly occupied, with many new families interested in joining. Residents enjoy bustling community life, a wide variety of activities for adults and children, Bible lessons, and a warm, close-knit community atmosphere. Nofei Nechemia has put down permanent roots.

With the joy associated from a growing community comes added responsibilities. There are 290 children in Nofei Nechemia, with many toddlers and young children, and thankfully lots of new babies are born each year. The main playground in Nofei Nechemia serves as a central community meeting place. Children of all ages come to the park to burn off steam, improve motor skills, and cultivate friendships. At the same time, adults gather to socialize to build and strengthen community ties. But in the spring and summer months, when the Mediterranean sun beats down mercilessly until the late afternoon, it is simply too hot to play outside without proper shading. Wanting to meet the needs of its growing families, Nofei Nechemia needs to install a shade structure at the local playground, to enable families to enjoy outdoor playtime year-round.

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