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Reflections from Israel

Arise and Walk the Land

Standing there it was obvious to us just how vital this place is strategically, biblically and historically. We learned that Hemdat was originally established as a “Nahal” military outpost by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 1979.

Reflections on Passover

Passover starts long before the night of the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Nissan.  As the festival of Purim ends housewives start thinking of what needs to be accomplished in the next month.  “And this day shall become a memorial for you, and you shall observe it as a festival for the L-RD, … Read more

Our Emotional Visit to the Bet Hagai Youth Village

The Bet Hagai Youth Village is an extraordinary project that was undertaken by its pioneering founders as a way of strengthening Israeli society. The village provides loving group homes and house parents for teenage boys, many of whom come broken in spirit and from broken homes.  Bet Hagai enables them to enter adulthood with hope and a healing of their souls.

Who Will Go?

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 This last trip to Israel was amazing. It was short, fast-moving, and full of energizing contacts as I visited some of the communities that CFOIC works with in Judea and Samaria. Each stop was a blessing, a testimony of the goodness of our donors and their love of Israel, and an … Read more

Reflections on Chanukah

The Hebrew month of Kislev is called the Month of Glory and Heroism. Long before the 25th day of the month, when Chanukah, the Festival of Lights begins, the theme of heroism permeates our days. On one Chanukah, our local community center arranged for a very special evening remembering the Operation at Entebbe in 1976, … Read more

Reflections on Rain

The first sweet rainfall came down a few weeks ago. It was no more than a drizzle. The sun was still shining bright and even my laundry, hanging out to dry, barely got damp. But my two grandsons, visiting for the day, raced to the closet, grabbed boots, coats and umbrellas and stood outside on … Read more

Reflections on the Hebrew Language

  To me, part of the thrill of living in Israel is the language. Until I moved here, Hebrew was the language of my prayer book, the language in which the Torah Portion of the Week was read aloud in synagogue, the language of the Bible. Granted, when I went to Bible classes, as a … Read more

Reflections on Prayer: U’Netaneh Tokef Kedushat Hayo

It’s hard to believe that it’s been only three days since the High Holy Days passed…  Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and ten days later, Yom Kippur, the Day of Repentance, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.  In just two days the Feast of Tabernacles begins and we make a mood switch from … Read more

Reflections on Rosh Hashanah

I hosted a crowd at my home for the Rosh Hashanah holidays.  Add that to me, my husband, kids and grandkids, and we were quite a house full.  Lots of people to house, feed, and keep happy. The basement was set up with guest beds and a crib.  My daughter offered to move out of … Read more

Reflections on Hitchhiking

I just dropped my son Avraham off at the main entrance to our community.  He groaned when he saw the crowds standing near the guard booth, knowing he had a wait ahead of him for a ride.  He was on his way back up north to his  Israeli yeshiva program combining military service with Torah … Read more