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Januari 2014

Weer een nieuw jaar! Het is ongelofelijk hoe snel de tijd gaat. Nu 2014 begint, starten we ons zeventiende jaar van CFOIC Hartland in Israël en ons negentiende jaar sinds de organisatie werd opgezet in Colorado. En sedert die tijd is er zoveel gebeurd en zoveel veranderd! Toen ik voor het eerst het kantoor opende … Read more

January 2014

Wieder ein neues Jahr! Unglaublich, wie schnell die Zeit vergeht. Mit dem Jahr 2014 beginnen wir das 17. aktive Jahr von CFOIC Heartland in Israel und das 19. Jahr seit die Organisation in Colorado, USA konzipiert wurde. Es ist seitdem sehr viel passiert und vieles hat sich geändert! Als ich das israelische Büro von CFOIC … Read more

The Irony of a Bulldozer

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon passed away yesterday afternoon.  It is an opportunity to review the life and legacy of this man who for so much of Israel’s history held positions of leadership and influence.  Beginning in Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, Sharon distinguished himself on the battlefield, rising to become one of Israel’s … Read more

The Blessing of Snow – December 2013

It started snowing on Wednesday evening and kept snowing.  On Thursday, Judea was covered in snow, in Gush Etzion and in Hebron.  I was supposed to meet a tour group in Hebron that day but it was cancelled — there was no way to get anywhere near that area. Where I live, in Karnei Shomron, … Read more

France – Israel’s ally – November 19, 2013

President Francois Hollande landed in Israel yesterday for what would be the longest visit of this French president in a foreign country.  The visit could not happen at a more opportune time.  Just last week, negotiations between the western nations and Iran broke down when France refused to approve the concessions that the other western … Read more

Reflections on Chanukah

The Hebrew month of Kislev is called the Month of Glory and Heroism. Long before the 25th day of the month, when Chanukah, the Festival of Lights begins, the theme of heroism permeates our days. On one Chanukah, our local community center arranged for a very special evening remembering the Operation at Entebbe in 1976, … Read more

November 2013

Vorein paar Wochen entdeckte die israelische Armee einen fast zwei Kilometer langen und 18 Meter tief gelegenen Tunnel, der vom Gazastreifen nach Israel führte. Er war mit etwa 25.000 Betonelementen abgestützt. Dieser Tunnel, der dritte dieser Art, der in diesem Jahr entdeckt wurde, war gebaut um dadurch Terroranschläge in Israel durchführen zu können. Vor wenigen … Read more

November 2013

Een paar weken geleden ontdekte de IDF een tunnel van bijna twee kilometer lang en 18 meter onder de oppervlakte van de Gazastrook naar Israel. Het was gebouwd met zo’n 25.000 platen beton. En dit is de derde tunnel van zijn soort die dit jaar gevonden is. Deze tunnel was gemaakt voor een terroristische aanval … Read more

Reflections on Rain

The first sweet rainfall came down a few weeks ago. It was no more than a drizzle. The sun was still shining bright and even my laundry, hanging out to dry, barely got damp. But my two grandsons, visiting for the day, raced to the closet, grabbed boots, coats and umbrellas and stood outside on … Read more

Tragedy in Brosh HaBika – October 15, 2013

A terrible tragedy occurred on Friday.  Sraya Ofer, a 61 year old retired colonel in the Israeli Army was axed to death by Arab terrorists in his home in the Jordan Valley.  His wife Monique managed to crawl towards the highway and call for help, but it was too late for her husband.  Monique was … Read more