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Kim Sondra Shmuel

We will continue to send you our content via email, including the News and Updates from Israel every Tuesday, and a Jewish Bible teaching on the Torah portion every Friday!

Losing a Loved One

Death is a natural part of life – everyone will experience the loss of a loved one and will grieve in a personal and profound way. But every culture and faith has created their own ways to help deal with the grief and the loss. Judaism has a unique set of customs surrounding death, burial and mourning that reflect a profound wisdom with regard to human needs as well as a theology of the everlasting.

Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, as it is known in Hebrew, has begun to resonate among Christians in recent years. Thousands of Christians celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem each year in fulfillment of Zachariah 14:16. How has this holiday been celebrated by Jews since Biblical times and what is it about this holiday that is so meaningful to Christians?

The Meaning of Shabbat

Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, explains the Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat) so that Christians can gain a better understanding of how Jews revere and observe this holy day.

When Christians Adopt Jewish Customs

As Christians become more involved in Israel and get to know Jews and Jewish customs, some are adopting these customs. What is this all about? How do Jews view this phenomenon?

Prophets and Leaders, Part 1: Eli

Sondra Oster Baras analyzes the meeting between prophet and leader in three instances where the prophet warns the leader of the cessation of his dynasty. Part I focuses on Eli, the last High Priest at Shiloh.

The Land of Israel Belongs to the Jews

Join Sondra Baras as she shares a personal Bible Study teaching from Samaria in the heart of Biblical Israel from Genesis 12 and Deuteronomy 30.