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Reflections on Lag Ba Omer

I think I’ll put in my last load of laundry tomorrow so I can take in any clothing hanging out on the line to dry, before Thursday night when the fires will be set. I make a reminder for myself to close all the windows of the house tightly in order to try and prevent … Read more

Help Those Who Help Themselves in Sussya

Fall 2011 Sussya,  located on an isolated hilltop in the Hebron Hills, is a community characterized by incredible warmth and mutual aid. These people know what’s important: G-d, His land, and the future generations who will serve Him. While Israel has weathered the economic crisis better than some, many families are still hurting. The need … Read more

Thoughts on Yom Kippur – October 10, 2011

Just two days ago, on Saturday, Jews all over the world marked the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. I wanted to share some thoughts with you that were part of my Yom Kippur experience this year. The fast began just before 5 pm on Friday. Clothed in white, our … Read more

Elections in Israel and America – January 10, 2012

Israeli politics are known for their volatility and unexpectedness. There have only been 6 Israeli governments which served their full term, the last one ending in 1988. The Knesset (Israeli Parliament) generally finds a reason to disband the government before the end of its term and call for full parliamentary elections. Usually, there is ongoing … Read more

Har Bracha: Building and Growing

May 2010 Oodles of children scramble happily on the painted playgrounds and roll down the grassy slopes, their sweet voices echoing in the mountain air. Nearby, sprinklers water the vineyards and Yeshiva Bible students amble by, busily discussing points of Talmudic Law. This happy, thriving scene plays out on the breathtaking, windswept Har Bracha, The … Read more

Meet Alon and Yakir

Road inside Alon On my first day visiting communities, I went to Alon, a community northeast of Jerusalem, along the Jericho Road.  Rabbi Danny Segal and Dikla Zenter met me outside the community in a large parking lot.  Rabbi Segal is the community rabbi and Dikla is the head of social services in the community.  … Read more

Reflections on Being a Grandmother

Maybe if I put it down on paper and can see it in black and white, it will become more real to me. On Tuesday, November 4th, at 4:35 P.M., my daughter Avigayil gave birth to a baby boy…my grandson. I am a grandmother!   It was a very emotional day. My mother had arrived … Read more

Reflections on Ushering in and Bidding Farewell to Shabbat

May 2010 In my home, as in many Jewish homes around the world, Friday afternoon, as Shabbat approaches, tends to be hectic. I call a five-minute warning upstairs to my girls who are putting the final touches on their Shabbat finery and remind my boys to turn off the computer and start setting the Shabbat … Read more