Mitzpe Dani and Genesis Land Virtual Tour
Join Sondra Oster Baras and Danny Ehrlich on a journey to Maale Shomron, a small community founded on historical and Biblical ruins in the heart of Samaria
Join Sondra Oster Baras and Danny Ehrlich on a journey to Maale Shomron, a small community founded on historical and Biblical ruins in the heart of Samaria
Join Sondra Oster Baras and Danny Ehrlich on a journey to Maale Shomron, a small community founded on historical and Biblical ruins in the heart of Samaria
Join Sondra Oster Baras and Danny Ehrlich on a journey to Maale Shomron, a small community founded on historical and Biblical ruins in the heart of Samaria
Join Danny Ehrlich on this extra-special journey through Biblical history and archaeology to Ancient Shiloh, where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years.
So whatever situation you are facing today, know that your God is bigger than any giant you are facing, any mountain standing in front of you. I have often heard it said: “Don’t talk to God about how big your mountain is; talk to your mountain about how big your God is.” So I have to ask myself, what made Caleb different? Why didn’t he go with the majority? Why did he see the situation differently than the others?
Feeling the presence of God in the Land of Israel is something that defies logic. God said that it was His Holy Mountain, and it is still His Holy Mountain. My personal belief is that if God hadn’t chosen Israel, we would never hear of this tiny strip of land on the coast of the Mediterranean! It wouldn’t be fought over, it wouldn’t be contested, and it would never make front page news. And yet it is. An area that is 50 miles wide and 200 miles long is in the news every single day!
If you are one of those who have that desire to visit Israel, I encourage you to take a step of faith and follow that call. You will never be the same! Why or how I cannot explain, but I have witnessed it year after year. You never read your Bible the same way again — something about seeing where your favorite Bible stories took place makes them come alive like never before.
Maale Levonah Gymboree has seen better days; it is dilapidated, run down from all of the good fun use over the years. It desperately needs a face lift. The building must be renovated and new Gymboree games and equipment must be purchased.