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News from the Land

A Tale of a Cemetery

On October 7th, there were four graves in the military cemetery. There are now 10 and tractors are busily at work to expand the cemetery.

The World is Upside Down

On Sunday afternoon, Hamas fired 8 missiles at central Israel. Sirens were heard in Petach Tikvah, Herzliya, Tel-Aviv and many other cities.

We Can Only Trust in God

As we approached Passover, the entire country debated as to how we would be celebrating this year. Still in the midst of a terrible war, with some 100 hostages still held captive by Hamas in dreadful conditions, we asked ourselves how we would celebrate the holiday of freedom.

Purim in the Wake of War

At the conclusion of World War II, the world learned of the horrors that the Nazis had inflicted upon the Jewish people. For the first time in history, a nation had decided to fully exterminate another people, to eradicate the Jewish people from the face of the earth. 

Vayakhel (Gathered) Exodus 35:1-38:20

Portion Vayakhel discusses coming together. This principle has led to community life becoming a firm foundation for the Jewish people. Join Shmuel as he discusses bowling leagues, social capital, and the importance of community.

A Terrible Dilemma

It is a dilemma, a terrible dilemma that hangs over us all. There are still 134 hostages held by the savage, Hamas terrorists in Gaza.