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News from the Land

The Irony of a Bulldozer

Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon passed away yesterday afternoon.  It is an opportunity to review the life and legacy of this man who for so much of Israel’s history held positions of leadership and influence.  Beginning in Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, Sharon distinguished himself on the battlefield, rising to become one of Israel’s … Read more

The Blessing of Snow – December 2013

It started snowing on Wednesday evening and kept snowing.  On Thursday, Judea was covered in snow, in Gush Etzion and in Hebron.  I was supposed to meet a tour group in Hebron that day but it was cancelled — there was no way to get anywhere near that area. Where I live, in Karnei Shomron, … Read more

Tragedy in Brosh HaBika – October 15, 2013

A terrible tragedy occurred on Friday.  Sraya Ofer, a 61 year old retired colonel in the Israeli Army was axed to death by Arab terrorists in his home in the Jordan Valley.  His wife Monique managed to crawl towards the highway and call for help, but it was too late for her husband.  Monique was … Read more

Israel and Iran ~ March 7, 2012

Prime Minister Netanyahu just completed a very important visit to the US.  He addressed AIPAC, the important pro-Israel lobby organization, and met with President Obama.  Commentators have seen Obama’s speech at AIPAC as very pro-Israel, although some have questioned whether that was a function of pre-election strategy.  But the overriding issue of this visit was … Read more

Planting Trees – February 7, 2012

Tomorrow is Tu B’Shvat, the annual holiday of trees.  Although this day was well known in Jewish sources for centuries, since the beginning of the 20th century, when Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in large numbers, this day took on greater significance.  The early Zionist pioneers found a desolate land, with a … Read more