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A Historic Visit in Australia

Hope Despite the Tragedy of Ofra Tuesday, March 7, 2017 I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Australia where I spent 10 days travelling and speaking in three states: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.  It was my seventh trip to Australia in as many years and each year I feel more gratified … Read more

Who “Owns” the Land of Israel – Part 2

The area was called the Land of Israel or Judea (a place belonging to Jews) from Biblical times until 135 AD, when the Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name of the province from Judea to Syria Palaestina, a brilliant PR stunt to sever the Jewish people’s connection to the region. This was done following the Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire. For most of the period between 135 AD and May 15, 1948, the area was referred to as Palestine or the Land of Israel.

Who “Owns” the Land of Israel? Part 1

God’s borders, then, are not set by governments or political parties. When I think about all of the borders that have been drawn and re-drawn in my short lifetime, I find it amazing that the borders of Israel cause so much angst for almost every nation on earth!

Winter 2017

Will you help the elderly stay warm this winter?   Did you know that the winter can be a particularly challenging time for the elderly? Heating during the winter months is crucial, literally a matter of life or death for the Elderly. The harsh cold can put them at risk for disease and other complications. … Read more

L’Shana Tova (Happy New Year!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Yesterday and the day before were Rosh HaShanah — the Jewish New Year.  It is both a joyous and a serious time of year.  Beginning a full month before the holiday, we spend time reflecting on our actions and omissions of the past year and look forward to a new and … Read more

Shabbat — the most important symbol of Jewish identity?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 September is here and with it comes so many new beginnings.  School starts on the 1st of September and children begin pre-school or school on that day.  Often Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year, also begins in September but this year Rosh HaShana is late and will only begin in early … Read more

I Will Give this Land to Your Children

Tuesday  August 2, 2016 Summer is raging in Israel.  And that is a good thing.  I love the summer months.  I love the heat, the sun, the warm air enveloping me and reminding me how beautiful this country is.  I walk out of my house in the morning and see the sun shining and it … Read more

Summer 2016

“Rise Before the Aged” For years CFOIC Heartland supporters have taken the lead in helping the senior citizens of Tekoa. From providing much needed dental aid for an elderly immigrant, to assisting the community’s “Meals on Wheels” program; you, our devoted supporters, have been there to help. Recently, social workers from the Gush Etzion Regional … Read more

Changing Realities Create Unexpected Opportunities

Tuesday, July 5, 2016   I spent last week in the UK on a speaking tour.  I met people and addressed audiences in England, Scotland and Wales and enjoyed every minute of it (except the cold rainy weather of course!)  But arriving in Great Britain just 2 days after the dramatic results of the Brexit … Read more