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Winter 2019

In a remote grove in the hills of Gush Etzion there is a little cafe built by the students and teachers of the Sadna program for special-needs children and young adults in the community of Gvaot. The cafe started as an opportunity to make one girl’s dream come true. Bat-El always wanted to work in a restaurant but because of her blindness and other health issues, it seemed her dream would never come true.

Bat-El Cooking
Bat-El Cooking

Three years ago the cafe opened for business, selling the food products that had been prepared by the Sadna children in their various workshops: The bread is baked in the school bakery and the cheese is prepared in the kitchen using goat’s milk from their own goat farm. The café has become so successful that it employs 10 young adults with varying disabilities. And it has become a hit with residents of the surrounding communities. With success has come a new vision — to expand the kitchen and the adjacent balcony. Come join us in supporting the Sadna Café as it bridges the gap between people and provides special needs young people with independence and opportunity.

Request your copy of the Winter 2019 Nahala

Stand Up With Israel!

Grace & Rick Knelsen

Grace and Rick Knelsen
Grace and Rick Knelsen

Ever since they were young, Grace and Rick Knelsen felt this burning passion to visit the Land of Israel. They were both raised in Christian homes and studied the Bible from childhood. They loved hearing the stories of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of the Children of Israel. They both dreamed about coming to see the land that was promised to these ancient Biblical heroes.

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Pioneer In Our Day

Mina Guveri
Mina Guveri


When Mina was eight years old she moved with herfamily from Petach Tikva to Kiryat Arba. She was the first daughter of Moshe and Chaviva Tzachor, and although she had two older brothers, Mina always felt she had the responsibility of a first born. Often she would help with the laundry or prepare dinner or babysit her younger siblings. She loved helping out and felt empowered to have so much responsibility and to be trusted by her parents at such a young age. Little did she know that just three years later, her role as an older sister would become much more significant.

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Give Thanks

Gymboree in Leshem
Gymboree in Leshem

Dear Sondra,

Thank you so much for CFOIC Heartland’s generous donation to our community. Thanks to the support of Christians all over the world, we were able to establish a Gymboree in Leshem. This is in addition to the support we received last year when you helped us purchase much-needed emergency equipment. We are so appreciative of all you have done for us. You have truly made a difference in our lives as we raise our children in the heart of Samaria.

As you know, Leshem began only 5 years ago and today we have over 350 families — more than 1200 children! The community of Leshem welcomes some 70 new families each summer and an average of two new babies are born each week. This unbelievable growth brings us much joy but creates many challenges. Our top priority is to ensure that we are providing our residents with all the services needed for healthy living. We are building schools, we opened the Gymboree, built playgrounds and are constantly working hard to support our emergency rapid response team – just a few of the projects that we have prioritized in Leshem.

For the past two years, we have felt your love and support and for that we are so grateful. Thanks to your wonderful contributions, you are protecting men, women and children who are committed to settling and building in G-d’s Promised Land. Thank you for supporting us and our families. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


The Community of Leshem