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Kim Sondra Shmuel

We will continue to send you our content via email, including the News and Updates from Israel every Tuesday, and a Jewish Bible teaching on the Torah portion every Friday!

The Challenge of Interfaith Marriage

Interfaith marriage is always a heartbreaker, for both families involved. Each family has raised their child in the faith that they believe to be the true one. Each family has immersed their child in the customs and culture that come with their faith.

Sussya Virtual Tour

Join Sondra Oster Baras and Danny Ehrlich on a journey to Maale Shomron, a small community founded on historical and Biblical ruins in the heart of Samaria


Och, wat is het een jaar geweest!  2020 eindigt en het voelt alsof de hele wereld nog steeds opgesloten zit in een surreële droom. Terwijl we uitkijken naar 2021, weet ik niet zeker of we opgetogen moeten zijn over een nieuw jaar, en hopelijk een nieuw begin, of dat we ons zorgen moeten maken over … Read more


Oh, was für ein Jahr ist das gewesen! Das Jahr 2020 geht zu Ende, und es fühlt sich an, als sei die ganze Welt immer noch in einem surrealen Traum eingeschlossen. Wenn wir uns auf 2021 freuen, bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob wir uns auf ein neues Jahr und hoffentlich einen neuen Anfang freuen … Read more

The Lesson of Hanukah

More than 2000 years ago, the Maccabees rebelled against the Syrian Greeks and miraculously defeated them, liberating the Jews from pagan rule and re-entering the Sacred Temple in Jerusalem.  They immediately set to work, purifying the Temple and renewing the ancient services.  But when they tried to light the Menorah, they discovered that there was only enough pure olive oil to last one day. 

Maale Shomron Virtual Tour Email

Join Sondra Oster Baras and Danny Ehrlich on a journey to Maale Shomron, a small community founded on historical and Biblical ruins in the heart of Samaria

Virtual Visit to Ancient Shiloh

Join Danny Ehrlich on this extra-special journey through Biblical history and archaeology to Ancient Shiloh, where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years.

Virtual Visit to Argaman & Gilgal

Visit the Jordan Valley, where Sondra and Danny will bring you to a site, known as the “Footprint,” an archaeological discovery  that changed our understanding of what the word  “Gilgal” really means

Virtual Visit to Ofra

Journey through the hills of Samaria to the community of Ofra, a place of extreme historical and Biblical significance