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A Visit with Shmuel: Einav

I was supposed to go to Einav on Tu B’Shvat and film their tree-planting ceremony, sponsored by you, our CFOIC Heartland donors and friends. But then Israel was plunged into lockdown and my visit had to be cancelled. So when life opened up again, I took the first opportunity to visit Einav and it was a fabulous day indeed.

Judea and Samaria must Continue to Flourish!

A report was recently published with updated statistics on population growth in Judea and Samaria. The numbers are so encouraging! There are more than 475,000 people living in Judea and Samaria today, representing a growth of close to 3% in 2020 alone and a 17% growth rate over the last five years.

Esther, Mordecai and the Challenges of Exile

Each year, Jews all over the world celebrate the holiday of Purim. They celebrate the miracle of salvation as described in the Book of Esther, with special prayers in the synagogue, public readings of Esther, festive meals, gifts of sweet food packages to neighbors and friends and charity to the poor.
But there is a more serious element to the holiday as well – reading and studying the Book of Esther.

Community at a Glance: Gevaot

In Gevaot, special needs children and young adults are not only accepted as they are, regardless of their needs; they are celebrated!

A Visit With Shmuel: Gevaot

In this episode, I drop by the village of Gevaot, a community of forty families in the hills of Gush Etzion. The people of Gevaot are truly modern-day pioneers who dedicate their lives to creating a thriving utopian community.

Zoom Meetings with Danny Ehrlich

https://youtu.be/FKqi_3ZXBk8https://youtu.be/x5X0-7SGKL8 Click here for slides from Jerusalem Zoom Click here for slides from Capernaum Zoom Click here for slides from The Shoah Zoom

Nahala (Inheritance) – Winter 2021

Kedumim’s Lehava High School for Girls seeks to channel this spirit through a brand-new leadership program, where students select a problem that needs solving, a humanitarian need or a technological challenge, and then create the solution.


Beste vrienden, Terwijl ik deze brief schrijf, bevindt Israël zich opnieuw in een strikte lock-down, met alleen vitale diensten open en kantoren die op afstand van de individuele werknemers thuis opereren. Bij CFOIC Heartland werken we allemaal vanuit huis, maar dankzij G-d kunnen we dankzij de moderne technologie volledig operatief blijven. Maar het is niet … Read more


Liebe Freunde, Während ich diesen Brief schreibe, befindet sich Israel wieder einmal in einer strengen Abriegelung, bei der nur die lebenswichtigen Dienste geöffnet sind und die die Menschen von zuhause aus arbeiten. Auch wir bei CFOIC Heartland arbeiten alle von zu Hause aus, Gott sei Dank und dank der modernen Technik können wir den vollen … Read more