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                                                                 Der Israel bewahrt, schläft nie   Liebe Freunde, Wenn ich auf das Ende des Jahres 2022 und den Beginn von 2023 blicke, denke … Read more

Vayishlach (And He (Jacob) Sent) – Genesis 32:4 – 36:43

This week’s Torah portion begins with Jacob’s preparation for his confrontation with Esau. He has just returned from years in the home of his uncle Laban, he has four wives and 12 children, a great deal of sheep and other animals, but he remains concerned as to whether Esau is still intent on killing him.


                                           De Bewaarder van Israël slaapt niet Als ik naar het einde van 2022 en het begin van 2023 kijk, denk ik aan de woorden uit Israëls volkslied, “Hatikva,” wat “De Hoop” betekent. “Onze ogen … Read more

The Ties That Hold Us Together 

I arrived in Israel in September 1975 to spend the year studying Bible in Jerusalem. I had been an active member of the Bnei Akiva Zionist youth movement in high school and we were encouraged to spend the year following high school graduation in Israel, to perfect our knowledge of Hebrew, to absorb the culture and deepen our roots to our land. In this way, we would strengthen our resolve to move to Israel as adults.

Vered Ben-Saadon

Vered Ben-Saadon, owner of an award-winning winery in the small community of Rechalim, purposefully sought to settle in Samaria during the second Intifada. This is Vered’s story.

Toldot (Descendants) – Genesis 25:19 – 28:9

With this week’s Torah reading, we move on to the life of Isaac, the second patriarch of the Jewish people. The portion begins in Chapter 25 verse 19 and continues through Chapter 28 verse 9. Indeed, it is the only Torah reading that deals with Isaac as an independent adult.

A Message of Thanks from Sondra and Shmuel

This past year has been a difficult and challenging one in so many ways. And yet, it also offered us hope and many moments of joy and fulfillment. We would like to take this moment to thank you, our CFOIC Heartland friends and supporters, for all you have done for us this past year.

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is celebrated at the end of November in the United States. But how does that play out in the Bible, in Judaism and in Christianity?