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Exciting Changes in 2023

I became a Zionist at the age of 13. My parents had always been Zionists in a typical American way. They loved Israel, went to every emergency meeting about Israel, and they gave generously to Israeli causes. Whatever they could do for Israel from the comfort of Cleveland, Ohio, they did.

Bo (Go) – Exodus 10:1 – 13:16

This week’s Torah portion includes the final three plagues and the beginning of the exodus. It also includes the instructions for the celebration of the Passover holiday and the procedure for the sacrifice of the lamb.


                                                                         Wir können optimistisch sein Liebe Freunde, Wir haben eine neue israelische Regierung, und das ist eine sehr gute Sache. … Read more


                                              We kunnen optimistisch zijn                                        We hebben een nieuwe Israëlische regering en dat is … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Nofei Nehemiah

One of the things that distinguishes Nofei Nechemiah from so many other communities is the fact that it was established by young people who themselves had grown up in Judea and Samaria and wanted to continue the pioneering life-style and values of their parents.

Vaera (And I Appeared) – Exodus 6:2 – 9:35

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Are we ready for redemption? This week’s portion begins with Exodus 6:2. God speaks to Moses and explains to him that He is the God who appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that He hears the suffering of the Children of Israel and that He will keep His promise with … Read more

Shemot (Names) – Exodus 1:1 – 6:1

This week we begin the Book of Exodus. The first portion is one of transformation – the children of Israel, the family of Jacob, become the “Hebrews” and the Children of Israel, with a national focus.

Bible Study via Zoom

Samuel: Anointing the Kings of Israel In the book of Judges, we followed close to 400 years of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel. There is no national government and the leaders are temporary and regional. The nation moves between times of trouble and times of quiet, between devotion to God and submission to … Read more