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A Visit With Shmuel: Adora and Telem

In this week’s video, I introduce you to Telem and Adora, two small but resilient communities located directly northwest of the ancient Biblical city of Hebron. The 1,000 brave pioneers of Telem and Adora live courageously amidst a sea of hundreds of thousands of hostile Arabs.


Telem, an isolated community in the Judean Hills, critically needs your help to add access gates around its security fence. These gates will ensure the security team has quick and immediate access during hostile threats. To Protect & Defend Click here for more project details Telem, an isolated and vulnerable community in the Judean Hills, … Read more


Your donation today will make a significant difference in the lives of Telem’s numerous young children. You can help provide them with a safe and nurturing environment that will enable them to grow and thrive. Keeping Precious Little Ones out of the cold Click here for more project details Your donation will make a significant … Read more

The Battle Over Area C

Last week, I spent a day in the Hebron Hills, visiting communities throughout the area. It was an incredible opportunity to connect in a more intimate way with the wonderful people in the area, to rejoice with them in their accomplishments and to listen as they expressed their concerns and explained the challenges they face.

A Visit With Shmuel: Telem

Join me as I visit Telem, a small and isolated community of ninety families located just outside Hebron. The people of Telem, salt of the earth Zionist pioneers, have created a close-knit community where everyone is family.