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Prime Minister Netanyahu

Netanyahu has become a liability!

Netanyahu is a talented leader with an ideological position that represents the majority of the country. But Netanyahu has become very problematic.  He has driven many talented leaders away from the Likud or from leadership positions because he saw them as political rivals.  He is mired in corruption scandals and will probably stand trial for some of his actions.   Clearly, his left-wing political rivals have manipulated this to their advantage. 

The Giving of Thanks

give thanks thanksgiving

Wow! I can’t believe we are already in the middle of November.  Where does the time go?  In America, November is a holiday month because of Thanksgiving — a national holiday that is dedicated to celebrating the blessings in our lives.  It is a day characterized by a large turkey dinner, too much food, family gatherings and football.

The Politics of Israel – The What and The Who

Tuesday, June 7, 2016   This has been a very political few weeks in Israel and I know many of our friends outside of Israel find it difficult to keep it all straight.  So I thought I would try and clarify things a bit. A year ago, there were national elections in Israel and the … Read more

France – Israel’s ally – November 19, 2013

President Francois Hollande landed in Israel yesterday for what would be the longest visit of this French president in a foreign country.  The visit could not happen at a more opportune time.  Just last week, negotiations between the western nations and Iran broke down when France refused to approve the concessions that the other western … Read more