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Reflections From Israel

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A Visit With Shmuel: Otniel

The people of Otniel are united in their dedication to Biblical values and Bible study, with a large number of residents working as educators in several local Bible institutions and raising the next generation of religious pioneers.

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Christian Anti-Semitism

Christians all over the world to bless Israel, presents a Jewish perspective on Christian Anti-Semitism. Tommy Waller, a Christian Zionist, explains how he gradually became aware of this terrible history and relates his commitment to educating Christians and creating a new relationship between Christians and Jews.

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Meet a Pioneer

Yochanan in Eshkolot

Yohanan’s story is all about Zionism. He made Aliyah as a child to the newly born State of Israel, rose in the ranks of the IDF and then, after retirement, settled in the Judean Hills community of Eshkolot. While so many slow down in retirement, for Yohanan, retirement was an opportunity to create something new in his new-found home of Eshkolot. This is Yohanan’s story.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Salit

Salit is different from most of the communities we have visited together. The original pioneers came to Salit to create a new community in Samaria. They were true pioneers

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The Joy of a Jewish Wedding!

Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world to bless Israel, provides an in-depth understanding of Jewish wedding customs.

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Meet a Pioneer

Vivienne from Gevaot

Today, you will meet a woman who struggled to support her special-needs child until she moved to Judea. Vivienne was born and raised in the UK, immigrated as a teenager to Israel with her parents and siblings, married, and started building a family in her beloved homeland. But when Vivienne’s sixth child Elhi (Short for Elhanan) was born with special needs, life required many adjustments.

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Sandy Bloom-With Love

Sandy Bloom, raised in the US with a love for Israel, spent the year after high school, on a kibbutz. She studied Bible, worked in the fields, and grew to love the people of Israel.

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A Visit With Shmuel: Avigayil

Located in a predominantly barren region in the Hebron Hills, Avigayil is surrounded on all sides by hostile Arab villages, including the large city of Yatta. The community was established in 2001, during the height of the Second Intifada, by a small group of incredibly courageous pioneers committed to defending their Biblical inheritance.

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Modest is Hottest

Sondra Oster Baras provides a Jewish and Biblical perspective on modesty and will explain some of the more widely observed Jewish customs that are related to modesty, while Kimberly Troup, and Tommy Waller, share a Christian perspective on modesty including the challenges they face in raising children in a society that is all too often influenced by Hollywood.

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