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Reflections from Israel

Maya Interviews Joshua Washington

CFOIC Heartland is proud to share this interview with Joshua Washington! Joshua is a musician, activist and the director of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel.

Thank You for Standing with Us

To say that 2023 has been a challenging year would be an understatement. We, the staff of CFOIC Heartland are so grateful to you, our supporters and friends! Thank you for standing with Israel.

Israel Under Attack

Give Trusted News Sites Please share these updates on Social Media or forward to your friends! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print WhatsApp Facebook Tuesday, May 7, 2024 CFOIC hosts special guest Dr. Kobby Barda. Dr. Barda shares his unique insight on the campus protests and the current state of American politics. Dr. Barda currently serves … Read more

Israel at War: Everything You Need to Know

How Did We Get Here? In 1993 Israel began a process of withdrawal from parts of the Land of Israel in the hopes it would bring us peace and security. Instead we have been brutally attacked by terrorists, consistently and without interruption from every piece of territory that we abandoned.   The Palestinian Authority was supposed … Read more

Heartland Story: Protecting Lives with “Smart” Lenses

One early morning in Sansana, a community nestled in the western tips of southern Judea, Omer, a contractor, was ready to start another day earning an honest living for himself and his family. Omer approached his equipment consisting of a tractor and two trucks, but to his surprise, he saw a suspicious person leaning on … Read more

November 2023 Heartland Highlight: Tekoa Art Center

Tekoa needs your help to complete its vision of creating a vibrant contemporary art center in the Biblical Heartland. The Madeleine Greenwald Art Center provides a unique venue for local and visiting artists to create, collaborate, and share their pioneering and Israeli experiences.

Sondra Baras guest on Mining the Media podcast

Each winter we celebrate the Jewish Holiday of Tu B’Shvat, the 15th day of the Biblical 11th month, known in Hebrew as Shvat. It is a time when we all go out and plant trees, setting down roots in the Land of Israel and celebrating the return of the Jewish people to our land. This year was particularly joyous as it marked the first Tu B’Shvat after the Sabbatical year, when we did not plant any trees.

War in Israel

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print War in Israel https://youtu.be/SKEy2Qhdn0Y Kimberly Troup, Christian Zionist director of CFOIC Heartland’s US office, and Tommy Waller, also a Christian Zionist, share their experiences and feelings on the developing war. Sondra Oster Baras, an Orthodox Jew who has devoted her life to reaching out to Christians all over the world … Read more

Meet Sarah from Karnei Shomron

Meet Sarah from Karnei Shomron! Join Maya Berretta as she interviews a Jewish pioneer, living in a community somewhere in Judea and Samaria. Meet the men and women who are personally fulfilling Biblical prophecy every single day.