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Liebe Freunde, Ich bin auf dem Weg in die USA! Es ist mehr als ein Jahr her, dass ich in einem Flugzeug gesessen habe. Aber mit dem Abklingen des Coronavirus in Israel, sind wir endlich frei zu reisen. Nicht ohne ein wenig Bammel habe ich meine Tickets gebucht und angefangen, Vorbereitungen zu treffen. Und der … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Telem

Join me as I visit Telem, a small and isolated community of ninety families located just outside Hebron. The people of Telem, salt of the earth Zionist pioneers, have created a close-knit community where everyone is family.

We are Still Fighting the 1948 War

Israel experienced a totally new reality during these past few weeks. A reality that could have been expected, a reality that some might even say was an obvious development. But at the end of the day, we woke up one morning and realized that the Arab-Israeli Conflict that we have been talking about for decades, was far worse than what we may have hoped. That whatever progress we thought we made in the past 20 years may well have been cosmetic at best, or at worst a deliberate manipulation of the Israeli psyche.


Beste vrienden, Dit is een verschrikkelijke tijd in Israël. Overal in het land is geweld uitgebroken en we worden aangevallen door Arabieren van binnenuit, in Jeruzalem en in steden in heel Israël, en door Arabieren in Gaza, metmraketten en artillerievuur. Er zijn mensen gedood, onder wie kinderen die in hun bed lagen te slapen. En de … Read more