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The children of Maale Levonah need you!

Maale Levonah Gymboree has seen better days; it is dilapidated, run down from all of the good fun use over the years. It desperately needs a face lift. The building must be renovated and new Gymboree games and equipment must be purchased.

Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu Under Investigation

Netanyahu has served as Israeli’s prime minister longer than any other person in our short history.  He has been at the center of enormous power and has done great things for Israel.  But 2 years ago, during the last election campaign, as hatred against him grew, I felt that it was time for him to step down.

You Can Help a Family in Need!

By: Avital Stern-Buchnick This month, we have focused on helping the neediest families in Samaria with their greatest need during the harsh winter – heat!  For years, through the Samaria Family Assistance Program, we have provided food parcels for these families, especially during the holidays.  But today, we have been asked to help them with … Read more

What Do You Say To A Child Whose Father Was Murdered?

We cannot change the past nor bring back the dead.  But we can encourage and strengthen the living.  We can reach out to the brave men, women and children of Judea and Samaria and give them what they need, when they need it.  I hope you will help us help them.  I hope you will continue to partner with us as we strengthen the Jewish presence in the Biblical Heartland.