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Seeking Wisdom in Our Political Leaders

Tuesday, December 2, 2014 For weeks now, the government has been in election mode.  Despite the fact that there are many issues that need to be debated seriously, the politicians sense that elections are in the air and direct their comments more towards their own constituency than towards an efficient solution to any given problem. … Read more

Connecting To Shabbat – Around The World

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 On Sunday night, November 2,  I ran a Shabbat dinner in Amarillo, Texas, hosted by a wonderful friend of CFOIC Heartland, Mike Isely and his group Texans for Israel.   I have run programs of this sort in a number of different countries for the past few years, but it never ceases … Read more

Southern Hospitality in Samaria

Fall 2014 It was a brutal, punishing summer for most Israeli families. Instead of family vacations, and day trips to Israel’s sandy beaches, the 2014 summer vacation was fraught with frequent trips to the bomb shelter, and characterized by conflict. For the Avitan family, the nightmare was magnified by the fact that they live in … Read more

2019 Israel Tour: Promise to Possession

Journey Through the Land and Meet Abraham’s Descendants Living in Biblical Israel Today! 800-647-3344 Request your brochure today!   Watch highlights from the 2014 CFOIC Heartland Israel Tour: Promise to Possession. $2,195 USD – LAND ONLY Single Supplement: $700 USD Download printable PDF brochure Registration Form in PDF REGISTER ONLINE All prices based on double … Read more

A Day of Prayer and Inspiration

This is the holiest time in the Jewish calendar. Just two days ago, we celebrated Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a day which is dedicated to repentance, prayer and fasting. “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Mark, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be a sacred … Read more

Win This War

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 After 50 days, the war has ended. At least for now.  The missiles have stopped firing, the artillery fire has gone quiet.  Worst hit by far were the communities closest to Gaza.  The four-year old boy killed in Nahal Oz and the middle aged men killed in  Nirim at the end … Read more

Summer 2014

Uniting in Faith in Talmon The kidnapping and murder of Naftali Frankel, Gil-Ad Shaar, and Eyal Yifrach, was heart wrenching for the people of Israel. And yet, there was one spark of goodness that emerged from it all – it brought the nation together. While their families strengthened and united us, their disposition brought a … Read more

The Nation of Israel Lives!

As I write this newsletter, it is still unclear whether Israel will continue to be involved in a war with Hamas, whether we will move on to a war of attrition, or whether some sort of agreement will be reached between the parties. As an Israeli, watching the news day in and day out during … Read more

Ways YOU Can Help Israel TODAY!

During the current crisis, here are some practical ways you can help support Israel: 1. Pray!  Please pray for the protection and safety of the IDF Soldiers who are on the ground and in the air fighting Hamas in Gaza. Pray for the protection of the innocent Israeli civilians who are living night and day with … Read more

Bringing the Torah to Roi

This past Friday I participated in a moving ceremony in the Jordan Valley that I would like to share with you.  Very dear friends of mine decided to commission the writing of a Torah Scroll in order to donate it to a community in need.  A Torah Scroll contains the entire text of the Five … Read more