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CFOIC Heartland Legacy Circle

Become a member of the Heartland Legacy Circle and in so doing, pledge your life-long support to the Land of Israel.


Beste vrienden, Coronavirus! Het woord dat tegenwoordig op ieders lippen ligt. Ik kan me zoiets niet herinneren – een internationale pandemie die de hele wereld in een spiraal doet belanden. En terecht – het is veel besmettelijker en veel dodelijker dan de gewone griep. In Israël hebben de medische autoriteiten meteen voorzorgsmaatregelen genomen om te proberen de verspreiding … Read more

Rebekah – deceiver or prophetess

A Biblical character who I think has always gotten a bit of a bum rap in Christianity is Rebekah.  From my experience in Sunday School, church sermons and in conversation with others, she is usually portrayed as a conniving, deceitful woman.  After all, she did instruct and help Jacob deceive his father Isaac and “steal” … Read more

Re-Living Passover

This re-living of the Passover story is a monumental event in the Jewish calendar, and every year, families convene to celebrate together.

From Generation to Generation

You, the wonderful donors of CFOIC Heartland, have ensured this generational remembrance. Because of you, future generations will know exactly how the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham began:

Corona in Israel

As we approach Passover, we are reminded of the first Passover the Children of Israel celebrated in Egypt:  “And you, no man should leave the door of his house until morning and the Lord will pass to strike Egypt… And he will not allow the destroyer to come to your houses and strike.”  (Exodus 12:22-23)  May G-d protect us all, and keep us all safe from this terrible plague, as we remain in our homes, reminding ourselves of that first miracle Passover thousands of years ago, praying for redemption.


Liebe Freunde,  Coronavirus! Das Wort, das heutzutage in aller Munde ist. Ich erinnere mich an nichts dergleichen – eine internationale Pandemie, die die ganze Welt ins Trudeln bringt. Und das zu Recht – sie ist weitaus ansteckender und tödlicher als die gewöhnliche Grippe. In Israel haben die medizinischen Behörden sofort Vorkehrungen getroffen, um die Ausbreitung … Read more

Bible Lessons with Sondra Baras or Shmuel Junger

If you aren’t able to join us live on Facebook, we will have the recording on our Facebook page and on our YouTube channel, and here on our website, so you can watch them any time! We hope you enjoy these Bible teaching done live from Samaria, Israel with Sondra Baras.

Passover Holiday

Cooking for Passover is a bit like preparing for Christmas dinner, except that it’s three Christmas dinners in a row, no bread is allowed, and the whole extended family has turned out to attend!