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Abraham – A Biblical Zionist

Thoughts on the Torah portion by Sondra Oster Baras “And God said to Abram go forth from your country and from your birthplace and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1) What an amazing Scripture! So begins the story of Abraham and the story of the Jewish people. … Read more


 Ältere Menschen in Judäa und Samaria brauchen in diesem Winter Hilfe Liebe Freunde, Der Winter hat begonnen! Es ist zwar noch zu früh, um zu wissen, ob wir einen regnerischen Winter haben werden – etwas, das in Israel dringend benötigt wird –, aber wir wissen, dass der Winter immer kalt ist. Und das bedeutet, dass … Read more

Community at a Glance: Nofei Nehemiah

This is the series you have been waiting for – the chance to visit communities in Judea and Samaria, from the comfort of your home, and catch a glimpse of life in each and every community!

A Visit With Shmuel: Rechalim

Rechalim represents to me, more than anything else, is incredible bravery in the face of enormous security challenges. In this film, I show how Arab homes are located so close to the local kindergarten and how a concrete wall had to be erected to protect the children from Arab snipers.

The Battle Over Area C

Last week, I spent a day in the Hebron Hills, visiting communities throughout the area. It was an incredible opportunity to connect in a more intimate way with the wonderful people in the area, to rejoice with them in their accomplishments and to listen as they expressed their concerns and explained the challenges they face.


Bij het begin van een Nieuwjaar We hebben zojuist het Joodse vakantieseizoen afgesloten, dat het grootste deel van de maand Tisjrei beslaat, de 7e Bijbelse maand. Beginnend met de meer serieuze feestdagen – het Joodse Nieuwjaar, Rosh HaShanah, en dan Yom Kippur, de Grote Verzoendag, en eindigend met het vreugdevolle Loofhuttenfeest en Simchat Torah, is … Read more


Wir beginnen ein neues Jahr Liebe Freunde, Wir haben gerade die jüdische Feiertagssaison abgeschlossen, die sich über den größten Teil des Monats Tischri, des siebten biblischen Monats, erstreckt. Er beginnt mit den ernsteren Feiertagen – dem jüdischen Neujahrsfest, Rosch HaSchana und Jom Kippur, dem Versöhnungstag – und endet mit dem fröhlichen Laubhüttenfest und Simchat Tora. … Read more

A Visit With Shmuel: Revava

Join me now, as I enter Revava…  The fall holidays are upon us and that leaves us very little time in between the holidays. So I was particularly excited to get in a visit to Revava before the holidays began. And what a visit it was! This is a community that is totally dedicated to … Read more


Veiligheid is niet het enige dat nodig is in Judea en Samaria Beste vrienden, We hoeven niet uit te leggen hoe belangrijk het onderwerp beveiliging is waarmee de gemeenschappen in Judea en Samaria worden geconfronteerd. Omringd door vijandige Arabische dorpen, vaak alleen maar beschermd door een dunne omheining en minimaal beveiligingspersoneel met ontoereikende middelen, riskeren de … Read more

Rosh Hashanah – The Jewish New Year

The Bible commands the Israelites to sound the Shofar on the first day of the seventh month (Numbers 29). And indeed, Jews have been celebrating the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah on that day for thousands of years, a day alternately known as the Feast of Trumpets.