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De volkeren kunnen Israël steunen Laatst was ik op het lokale politiebureau, voor een gesprek met het hoofd van de politie. Terwijl ik daar was, kwamen een aantal politieagenten het kantoor binnen en brachten aan hun baas verslag uit over de verschillende criminele activiteiten die ze aan het onderzoeken waren. Een daarvan was een diefstal … Read more

Elementor #185548

Arise, walk the Land, throughits length and breadth (GENESIS 13:17) https://youtu.be/2DrT1qrYFro sneak peek A VIRTUAL TOUR OF JUDEA AND SAMARIA Welcome to Judea and Samaria, the Biblical Heartland of Israel! This stunning film will introduce you to the land God promised to Abraham, and to the People of Israel who have settled this land in … Read more

Update From Israel

What is This Government Up To?
Zoom meeting for our UK friends
with Sondra Oster Baras

Meet A Pioneer: Chedva

CFOIC Heartland is proud to introduce Maya Berretta, our Content and Project Manager, in her new series – A Modern Pioneer in Biblical Israel.

Valentine’s Day

Sondra Oster Baras provides a Jewish and Biblical perspective on the holiday of love, while Kimberly Troup, and Tommy Waller share some of the Christian history and current customs surrounding Valentine’s Day.

Three Seas Outlook Tour

Visit Israel without leaving your home! This episode of CFOIC Heartland’s Virtual Tours is a very special one. Join Sondra as she brings you to her favorite place in all of Samaria, the Three Seas Outlook, and leads you on a foundational Biblical journey from the days of Abraham to the return of the Jewish … Read more

The Truth Must Win Out

Today I had lunch with a couple of Danish journalists. They were truly interested in Israel and in Judea and Samaria and asked questions,. They wanted to know why I decided to live here and what our life is like here. At one point, I made a statement that I often make in these contexts: “So many people think we are a bunch of militant crazies who just want to kill Arabs at any opportunity, but we’re not.” And then one of the journalists asked me: “Why do you think people think that?”


Tel Gods zegeningen Het is winter is hier. Terwijl ik deze brief schrijf, stroomt de regen naar beneden en wat een zegen is dat. Zelfs als we de vochtige kou voelen en ons moeten inpakken voordat we naar buiten gaan, herinnert de regen ons eraan om naar de hemel te kijken en G-d te danken … Read more


Erinnerung an Gottes Segnungen Liebe Freunde, Der Winter ist da. Während ich diesen Brief schreibe, regnet es in Strömen, und das ist ein wahrer Segen. Selbst wenn wir die feuchte Kälte spüren und uns einpacken müssen, bevor wir nach draußen gehen, erinnert uns der Regen daran, zum Himmel zu blicken und Gott für seinen Segen … Read more

Adorah: Thank YOU!

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on email Email Share on print Print Thank YOU!! We have received this thank you letter from Adorah for your contribution toward their security needs. But you, our donors and supporters, are the ones who really make it all happen.   The thanks … Read more