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Remembering the Beginning

Tonight begins Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. We will eat a simple but festive meal in late afternoon and then, just before sunset, the 25 hour long fast will begin. This is the culmination of the 10 Days of Repentance that begin with the first day of Rosh Hashana. During this entire time, we reflect on our behavior of the past year, set new goals for the new year but most of all, we strive to come closer to G-d.


                                                    Die gewöhnlichen Menschen in Judäa und Samaria   Liebe Freunde, Neulich erhielt ich einen Anruf von Mina, der Leiterin eines kleinen Kinderentwicklungs-zentrums in Kiriat Arba. Das Zentrum, Neve Avraham, … Read more


                                    De gewone mensen van Judea en Samaria Onlangs kreeg ik een telefoontje van Mina, het hoofd van een klein Child Development Center in Kiryat Arba. Het centrum, Neve Avraham, werd door haar moeder opgericht nadat zij een … Read more

Shulamit Kaminsky

Shulamit Kaminsky has been a dear friend of CFOIC Heartland supporters for many years. When she first came to Israel decades ago, as a newlywed, she and her husband wanted to make a difference in their new homeland. But their commitment to settling the Biblical Heartland did not prepare them for the living conditions in the barren desert of the Jordan Valley. This is Shulamit’s story – a Jewish pioneer working to make the desert bloom.

Nitzavim (Standing) – Deuteronomy 29:9 – 30:20

This week’s portion includes Moses’ last speech to the nation before the final poem that is Chapter 32 and the blessings in Chapter 33. Chapter 30 is often referred to as the “Return” chapter, including, as it does, references to both a physical and spiritual return to God and the Land of Israel. But a close examination of the verses in this chapter reveals a confusing sequence of events.

Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur

Thanks to centuries of muddled translations and misunderstandings, the meaning and traditions of these sacred days have so often been lost. But in this month’s episode of Facing the Divide we will try and clarify it all for you.

A Visit With Shmuel: Shadmot Mechola

Shadmot Mechola has everything one needs to raise a family: synagogues, daycare and schools, a medical clinic, and a warm community that is more like an extended family.

A Place to Call Home

I had an amazing experience last week — I participated in an event that represented the culmination of months of hard work and a dream that is about to come true.

Ahrale Lederberg

Ahrale Lederberg, head of security and medical emergency services in Zufim, Samaria, is a man who is all heart. In the IDF, Ahrale served as a combat soldier and medic, later becoming a commander of the IDF medics training school. This is Ahrale’s story.