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Community at a Glance: Alei Zahav & Leshem

I first visited Alei Zahav more than 20 years ago.  It was a small, rather sleepy, community, populated almost entirely by secular Jews.  They had a strong connection to the Land of Israel and were proud of their community.  A few years later, I visited again and encountered residents who had grown older and were … Read more

Passover: Celebrating Freedom

On Passover, Jews celebrate the Exodus from Egypt, that defining moment in Jewish history when they went from a motley group of slaves to a nation of God. Freedom is an important theme of the holiday but what does freedom mean?

Judea and Samaria must Continue to Flourish!

A report was recently published with updated statistics on population growth in Judea and Samaria. The numbers are so encouraging! There are more than 475,000 people living in Judea and Samaria today, representing a growth of close to 3% in 2020 alone and a 17% growth rate over the last five years.

Esther, Mordecai and the Challenges of Exile

Each year, Jews all over the world celebrate the holiday of Purim. They celebrate the miracle of salvation as described in the Book of Esther, with special prayers in the synagogue, public readings of Esther, festive meals, gifts of sweet food packages to neighbors and friends and charity to the poor.
But there is a more serious element to the holiday as well – reading and studying the Book of Esther.

Zoom Meetings with Danny Ehrlich

https://youtu.be/FKqi_3ZXBk8https://youtu.be/x5X0-7SGKL8 Click here for slides from Jerusalem Zoom Click here for slides from Capernaum Zoom Click here for slides from The Shoah Zoom

Street Prayer Services

My father passed away in September, and I have been saying the mourners’ kaddish once a day since. I have found great comfort in the street service just outside my house. I regularly attend the afternoon service, which begins about 15 minutes before sunset.

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are often touted as the single most important part of the Bible, the ten most important declarations that G-d ever made to humanity.

Are we concerned about Biden?

January 12, 2021By Sondra Oster Baras On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will become president of the United States.  The election campaign was fierce and it took time until the results became final but now that Biden’s inauguration is only days away, the time has come for us, in Israel, to reflect on what this … Read more