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People in My Neighborhood: Meet Sarah

    Sarah loves a stage and the stage loves Sarah. I can’t imagine a situation where there’s an available microphone in the vicinity and Sarah’s not reaching for it!  And it doesn’t matter how large or intimate the setting is.  Our Karnei Shomron Cultural Center arranges parties, performances and activities for the community at … Read more

You Can Bring Israel to YOUR Town!

Sondra Baras

Have you ever thought, “I want to do something for Israel, but I don’t know what to do.” Now there is an opportunity to connect in a very special and unique way where you canmake a difference. Christian Friends of Israeli Communities is offering you an opportunity to host our Israel Director, Sondra Oster Baras, … Read more

This month marks a heartrending anniversary, one with ruinous consequences that continue to plague the Jewish state. It was thirty years ago, in April 1982, that uniformed soldiers pledged to defend Israel and its citizens were given the order to uproot and destroy the Jewish community of Yamit in northern Sinai. The move came in … Read more