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A Visit With Shmuel: Ofra

This month, I visited the community of Ofra, one of the original Jewish communities in Samaria. What began as a workers camp grew into the first modern Jewish community north of Jerusalem.

April 2023 Heartland Highlight: Ofra

The Heart of Benjamin program, in Ofra, caters to families residing in the Benjamin region, providing resources for severely disabled children and their families, and helping them navigate a myriad of educational and social challenges. During the week before Passover the program operates camps for the severely disabled children, providing structure, and a memorable camp experience.

Ofra Apartments

Heart of Benjamin urgently needs your help to furnish two apartments for special-needs adults. Each apartment provides these adults with a supervised home where they gain life skills and semi-independence. Your gift provides immeasurable value. Sheltered Living at heart of benjamin Click here for more project details Heart of Benjamin urgently needs your help to … Read more

Ofra Heart of Benjamin

Heart of Benjamin needs your help to fund its Passover and summer camps for special-needs children. These camps provide love, a sense of normalcy, and fun experiences, something the children look forward to all year! Heart of Benjamin Camp Click here for more project details Heart of Benjamin, in Ofra, urgently needs funds to cover … Read more

Virtual Visit to Ofra

Journey through the hills of Samaria to the community of Ofra, a place of extreme historical and Biblical significance

Becoming a Proud Woman of Israel

Shoshana, (3rd from the left), receiving the Immigrant of Excellence award, together with her school counselor and ministers of education.

The Ofra immigrant students are extremely motivated, ready to take root in their new beloved homeland… ready to soar. With just a little help from you, we can ensure that these girls become proud young women of Israel.

Levav – A Love Story

Heart of Benjamin helps children with severe mental and physical handicaps through their afternoon, summer, and holiday programs. This is the story of one special child who benefits from YOUR donation to Heart of Benjamin.

The Transition from Mourning to Dancing

We owe our lives to these people. We owe our freedom, our independence, the miracle of our existence, to these young people who loved their land and their people and who were killed in the prime of their life.

Winter 2017

Will you help the elderly stay warm this winter?   Did you know that the winter can be a particularly challenging time for the elderly? Heating during the winter months is crucial, literally a matter of life or death for the Elderly. The harsh cold can put them at risk for disease and other complications. … Read more

Winter 2016

Young boy inspecting a model house

Help Create An Educational Hub in the Desert! Since the regional library is a half hour drive from Hemdat, the local library in that community has become a fixture in the Jordan Valley, not only serving Hemdat residents, but residents from neighboring Maskiot, Roi, Bekaot, and Hamra. It has become a center for children’s activities, … Read more