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Mishpatim (Laws) – Exodus 21:1 – 24:18

Torah (1)

After the adventures of Genesis and the highs of Mt Sinai, portion Mishpatim leads us to lists of detailed, often boring laws. Why is this? Why does the Torah jump from the exciting to the mundane? Life, like some Torah portions, has moments of inspiration and beauty. But life is often boring and Torah portions like Mishpatim teach us how to thrive when life is mundane.

Join Shmuel for some interesting thoughts on this not-so-boring portion!

2 thoughts on “Mishpatim (Laws) – Exodus 21:1 – 24:18”

  1. Interesting. I took 2 semesters of Hebrew in a seminary.
    Your language and Scriptures are fascinating.
    Thank You for taking time to explain to us!
    Sometimes I go to special services or events at the temple or synagogue in nearby Macon.
    I am 82 and no longer drive.
    I have to arrange for someone to take me to your places of worship.

  2. Dear Shmuel,
    We Christian’s have the danger of not paying attention to the law of God. So it is very refreshing to sit at your feet and hear your take on the laws of God.
    G-d bless you greatly

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