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Beshalach (As He Sent) – Exodus 13:17 – 17:16

Torah (1)

Portion Beshalach asks the question: Where do we go from here?

As Israel grapples with this week’s tragic loss of 21 soldiers, many find themselves asking the same question. Shmuel finds an answer in the wisdom of the Torah and in insight from his young daughter. Join Shmuel for an answer, assurance, and portion Beshalach!  

1 thought on “Beshalach (As He Sent) – Exodus 13:17 – 17:16”

  1. Thank you Shumuel. I love your weekly portions and always find that I can hear the words of G-d for me in my situation through what you are saying as though G-d continuing his discussion with me through you. Bless you, for your lovely kind spirit and your family.

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