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land of israel

Anti-Semitism is Growing!

I just returned from the US where I had the opportunity to connect personally with so many Jewish and Christian friends of Israel and of the communities in Judea and Samaria. While I usually spend the overwhelming portion of my time amongst Christian friends, on this trip, I was able to connect with a number of Jewish friends, as well. And they shared some of their greatest fears and concerns with me. And I want to share them with you.

The Battle Over Area C

Last week, I spent a day in the Hebron Hills, visiting communities throughout the area. It was an incredible opportunity to connect in a more intimate way with the wonderful people in the area, to rejoice with them in their accomplishments and to listen as they expressed their concerns and explained the challenges they face.

Reflections on Tu B’Shvat

Next week is Tu B’Shvat, the “New Year of the Trees”.  It is day where we celebrate the fruit of our trees and children and adults alike take the time on that day to go out and plant trees.  Israel is the only country in the world that had more trees at the end of the 20th century than it did at the beginning, and that is because planting trees has been a key Zionist enterprise, long before it became ecologically popular.

What made Caleb different?

2017 CFOIC Tour in Hebron

So whatever situation you are facing today, know that your God is bigger than any giant you are facing, any mountain standing in front of you. I have often heard it said: “Don’t talk to God about how big your mountain is; talk to your mountain about how big your God is.” So I have to ask myself, what made Caleb different? Why didn’t he go with the majority? Why did he see the situation differently than the others?

Cultivating the Land of Biblical Israel

That first day, everything I had ever thought about farming went right out the window. I hauled heavy irrigation tubes and I hacked at spiny weeds between the neat rows of sprouting green-tipped onions.

The True Leaders of Israel

Political leaders are not our heroes. These men and women are.  They are the ones who are making a difference in the lives of so many.  And thanks to you, our loyal supporters and friends, these heroes have been able to turn their values and dreams into action, to help the People and settle the Land of Israel.

The Miracle of the Six Day War

Even though the Six Day War happened before I was born, it shaped much of my life.  I grew up hearing stories of the miracles that took place during those short, yet brutal days of fighting.

Next Year in Jerusalem!

If you are one of those who have that desire to visit Israel, I encourage you to take a step of faith and follow that call.  You will never be the same!  Why or how I cannot explain, but I have witnessed it year after year.  You never read your Bible the same way again — something about seeing where your favorite Bible stories took place makes them come alive like never before.

Celebrating the Covenant of Abraham

Feast Tour Sondra Baras Sukkah

But beyond the joy that we all feel in the birth of a new baby, the Brit itself has such a special significance to us as individuals and as a people.  Some 4,000 years ago, an old man named Abraham heard the call from  G-d to leave his home and go forward to the Land of Israel.  Some years after his arrival in the land, G-d commanded him to circumcise himself as an act of covenant between him and G-d, an act of covenant that would be repeated by his descendants forever.  At the original covenant with Abraham, G-d changed Abraham’s name from Abram to Abraham.

The Bonfires of Lag BaOmer

Last week, we celebrated Lag BaOmer, an ancient Jewish holiday that connects us to the events of the Bar Kochba Rebellion, the last Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire which came to a tragic end in the year 135. In Israel, we celebrate the day by lighting bonfires, reminiscent of bonfires that were used by the ancient rebels to send signals to one another. Today, the bonfires are pure fun, as children and adults gather around, roast potatoes and hot dogs, sing songs and just enjoy the warm fire against the usually cool night air.