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The Transition from Mourning to Dancing

We owe our lives to these people. We owe our freedom, our independence, the miracle of our existence, to these young people who loved their land and their people and who were killed in the prime of their life.

Arise and Walk the Land

Standing there it was obvious to us just how vital this place is strategically, biblically and historically. We learned that Hemdat was originally established as a “Nahal” military outpost by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in 1979.

United by Love and Devotion

March was an exceedingly busy month for us at the CFOIC Heartland Israel office for one very good reason — we were inundated with tour groups visiting with us from all over the world.  I am not sure why so many people chose March for their visit but it was wonderful!  We had the privilege … Read more

I Will Give this Land to Your Children

Tuesday  August 2, 2016 Summer is raging in Israel.  And that is a good thing.  I love the summer months.  I love the heat, the sun, the warm air enveloping me and reminding me how beautiful this country is.  I walk out of my house in the morning and see the sun shining and it … Read more

Changing Realities Create Unexpected Opportunities

Tuesday, July 5, 2016   I spent last week in the UK on a speaking tour.  I met people and addressed audiences in England, Scotland and Wales and enjoyed every minute of it (except the cold rainy weather of course!)  But arriving in Great Britain just 2 days after the dramatic results of the Brexit … Read more

The Politics of Israel – The What and The Who

Tuesday, June 7, 2016   This has been a very political few weeks in Israel and I know many of our friends outside of Israel find it difficult to keep it all straight.  So I thought I would try and clarify things a bit. A year ago, there were national elections in Israel and the … Read more

You Are Saving Lives!

Spring 2016 This past February 72-year old Devorah Levine collapsed unconscious in her kitchen in the community of Karnei Shomron. The otherwise healthy mother of four and grandmother of twelve was the active type. Neighbors were used to seeing Devorah on her regular walks around town. What a shock this was to the people around … Read more

The Importance of Security In Our Lives

Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Security is something we often take for granted in Israel.  Ever since the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948, Israel has had to defend itself against enemies from both within and without.  Our Arab neighbors have tried time and again to destroy us, launching wars and attacks across … Read more

France – Israel’s ally – November 19, 2013

President Francois Hollande landed in Israel yesterday for what would be the longest visit of this French president in a foreign country.  The visit could not happen at a more opportune time.  Just last week, negotiations between the western nations and Iran broke down when France refused to approve the concessions that the other western … Read more

Tragedy in Brosh HaBika – October 15, 2013

A terrible tragedy occurred on Friday.  Sraya Ofer, a 61 year old retired colonel in the Israeli Army was axed to death by Arab terrorists in his home in the Jordan Valley.  His wife Monique managed to crawl towards the highway and call for help, but it was too late for her husband.  Monique was … Read more