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israeli pioneer

Mina Guveri – A Heart So Big

When Mina was eight years old she moved with her family from Petach Tikva to Kiryat Arba. She was the first daughter of Moshe and Chaviva Tzachor, and although she had two older brothers, Mina always felt she had the responsibility of a first born. Often she would help with the laundry or prepare dinner … Read more

Ahrale Lederberg – Superman in Zufim

  When Ahrale was a child he had the same dreams that any other child has: He wanted to be a superhero with super powers. He would tie a blanket around his shoulders for a cape and jump off the bed shouting for justice. Little did he know that his dream would come true and … Read more

Oren Gilad – My Brother, The Hero

Anyone who has ever visited “Ach Sheli Gibor” knows that it is a special place. Hebrew for “my brother, the hero”, Ach Sheli Gibor is a sandwich shop-minimartrest stop all rolled into one. Located at the junction between Shechem and the community of Itamar, the stop is decorated with flags, army hats, tags and memorabilia … Read more

Aviva Yisraeli -The Spirit and Soul of the People of the Land

Aviva with CFOIC Tour Group

Though Aviva was only nine years old when her family made Aliyah from Canada, she remembers clearly, feeling wonderfully excited. She was young enough not to be nervous about making the move and was ready to enjoy what living in a Jewish country would mean. Outside of Israel she always felt that being Jewish set … Read more

Mali and Yaakov Sztrigler – It’s a Family Affair!

It is an unlikely love story. Mali is a “Sabra”, a native born Israeli and Yaakov is from Mexico. When Yaakov was 11 years old, the family moved to Jerusalem. Yaakov and Mali had both finished their studies and were living and working in Jerusalem when they met through a mutual friend. They married in … Read more

Daniel Ehrlich – CFOIC Heartland’s Newest Tour Guide

Daniel Ehrlich has been a leader in Jewish and Zionist education for over thirty years.  Today, he guides tour groups all over Israel. Just one day touring with him, and you immediately sense the passion this man has for the Land of Israel and its history. Danny’s mother immigrated to the United States in 1903 … Read more

Yisrael Medad – His Right Word

Political advisor, spokesperson, activist, author, journalist and blogger are just a few of the many hats Yisrael Medad has worn during his impressive fortyfive year career working for the people of Israel in the Land of Israel. Visiting his blog called “My Right Word”, you get a good sense of the kind of guy he … Read more

Dror Vanunu – Looking Back and Looking Forward

It was a hot summer day in August of 2005. Close to 10,000 Jews had been forcibly evacuated from their homes in Gush Katif just a few days earlier and Sondra Oster Baras, Israeli director of CFOIC Heartland, was looking for Dror Vanunu. Dror headed up the international effort to stop the Disengagement and that … Read more

Shulamit Kaminsky – Not Your Average Valley Girl!

If you’ve ever visited the Jordan Valley, chances are you’ve met Shulamit Kaminsky, CFOIC Heartland’s liaison for the Jordan Valley. Just one year after marrying Arnie in New York, Shulamit made Aliyah to Israel in 1972. The couple came with a group of young like-minded immigrants to a kibbutz near Gaza. After a short time, … Read more

Anat Safrir – A Model of Giving

Energetic, amazingly warm and spirited are words that best describe Anat Safrir, a one-of-a kind charity powerhouse in Samaria. These attributes, coupled with her ideology, and “can-do” attitude make her a natural leader. Born and raised in Even Yehuda, near the coastal city of Netanya, Anat comes from a farming family. “Farmers are generally very … Read more